The Aged Green Lane Couple Will Spend the Day Surrounded by Their Children and Many Friends. - They Are Both Well Preserved and Still Perform Their Regular Duties.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Royer in the beautiful little borough of Green Lane, situated along the banks of the Perkiomen creek will be the scene of one of the most rare occurances in the history of wedded life today. The sixtieth anniversary of the wedding day of the aged couple will be celebrated on this occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Royer were married in Philadelphia by the Late Rev. Henry Bibighaus, who was then pastor of the German church in the Nothern Liberties of Philadelphia, sixty-years ago today. Their wedded life has been a long, happy and interesting one.
Philip Royer was born in New Hanover township, near Weand's Hotel on the 31st day of August, 1815.
Margaret Amey, his wife, was born in Philadelphia on the 10th day of August, 1822, and they were married on the 25th day of August, 1840. This happy wedded union was blessed with seven children, five having died in infancy. Those living are Mrs. Mary A. Megee and Olive Y. Royer, both residing in Philadelphia.
Mr. Royer is a carpenter and pattern maker by trade and even at his advanced age still works at cabinet making. The remarkable feature of the aged gentleman is his exceptionally good health and wonderful memory. It is interesting to sit and listen to him relate his years of experience of days gone by.
Mrs. Royer is a lady exceptionally active and looks to be much younger in years. Mrs. Royer attends to all the duties about the home, one remarkable feature about the aged lady is that her eyesight is exceptionally good, and she can easily read without the aid of glasses. A conversation with Mrs. Royer is most interesting and pleasing and she takes great delight in relating the pleasing features connected with her long and happy life. During the month of April, almost thirty years ago this interesting couple moved to their present home in Green Lane. Mr. Royer became very popular through taking an active part in politics and was honored by being elected the second burgess of the borough. He is a stanch Democrat and has voted for every Democratic candidate from the time of Martin Van Bueren to the present day. Mr. Royer has in his possession his first tax receipt, which was issued in the year 1836. He takes pleasure in showing the old receipt and telling many interesting features connected with it.
Great preparations have been made for this, their sixtieth anniversay. The whole day will be observed by the aged couple, their children and many friends. An elaborate dinner, consisting of all the delicacies of the season will be served promptly at 12 o'clock noon. The interesting feature of this dinner will be the arrangement of the guests at the table. The head of the table will be honored by the aged couple, and the foot of the table by their two children. The remaining portion of the table will be surrounded by relatives and a few intimate friends.
The following guests will be present: Dr. and Mrs. H.F. Scholl, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Allebach and daughter, Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hiltebeitel, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Graul, Mrs. Maggie Dotts, Mrs. Catharine Dengler, Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Holder, all of Green Lane; Mr. and Mrs. James Lachman, of East Greenville; Mrs. Levi Weaver, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Emma Beech, Mr. and Mrs. John Biggard, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Megee, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Y. Royer, John Biggard and Miss Florence Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Beidler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Amey and Miss Ella Scholl, all of Philadelphia.
Wilmer K. Groff, of Limerick Square, was married to Miss Mary M. Eisenberger, of the same place, on Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock. The wedding was solemnized at the United Evangelical Parsonage, Limerick, by the pastor Rev. J.A. Sellers. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.Y. Eisenberg of that town, and is a well known music teacher. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Groff, and is a successful school teacher. He has recently been elected principal of the public schools of Pennsburg, at which place the young couple will make their home. The bridal couple left on the 8 o'clock train on Wednesday evening on a several day's wedding trip to Harrisburg. Mr. Groff's school in this borough will commence on Monday.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:12 PST