Joseph Rittenhouse was fatally injured one day this week, while working on his father's farm, near Norristown, by being pierced through the heart by the prong of a hayfork and died in three minutes time. The unfortunate man was in the 30th year of his age. The young man was using a harpoon fork operated by a mechanical device. One of the ropes on the pulleys broke and a prong of the fork pierced his breast. His father ran to his assistance but the flow of blood from the wound was so vigorous that it was with difficulty the parent could hold his hand over it. When other assistance arrived Joseph was dead.
Matthew McHenny, a farmer residing in Limerick township, this county, met with a fatal accident on Tuesday. It appears that he was driving one of his horses along the road when the animal became frightened and began to bolt. This threw Mr. McHenny from the wagon and the wheels passed over his chest. A physician was summoned and upon examination found that he was suffering from internal injuries. He was removed to the Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, where he died several hours later. Mr. McHenny was in the 73rd year of his age.
A notable wedding was solemnized at New Hanover, on Saturday, when Miss Lily Yerger, the only daughter of John Yerger, of New Hanover, became the wife of Clayton Saylor, of Sanatoga. The bride is an accomplished young lady, she is a recent graduate of the public schools of New Hanover township, and received the highest honors that have yet been attained by any graduate in that township. She also takes quite a prominent part in Sunday School work, being a teacher in the Swamp Lutheran Sunday School. The groom is a son of John Saylor, residing near Sanatoga. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Irvin B. Kurtz, of Pottstown. The wedding was a private one and only a few intimate friends were present.
Hannah, wife of Hon. Monroe B. Harwick, of South Bethlehem, died last week. She was born in Marlborough township near Sumneytown. Mrs. Harwick's death was due to dropsy. She was 54 years, 4 months and 16 days old. She is survived by a husband, four sons and two daughters. The following sisters and brothers survive in this vicinity: Mrs. Marcus Steinmetz, Neiffers; Mrs. James Kline, Finland; Mrs. Reuben S. Stull, Trumbauersville; Miss Emma Barndt, Tylersport; George Barndt, Finland and Samuel Barndt, Sumneytown. The funeral was held on Thursday at the Blue Church.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:12 PST