A pleasant surprise party was tendered William Derr, Sr., at his home at Congo, on last Saturday evening. The party was in honor of his 80th birthday anniversary. Mr. Derr is an invalid and has been confined to his bed for the past three years. Fully 115 of his friends and neighbors were present and an enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. Derr received many presents, some of them being quite valuable.
Alvin C. ALDERFER, ESQ., of Harleysville, Lower Salford township, is the youngest justice of the peace in this county. He is a son of the late George D. Alderfer, Esq., and was born in that township November 9, 1869. The major portion of his education was attained in the native township schools; which was completed by a course at the West Chester State Normal School. He began teaching school at the age of eighteen and taught for nine consecutive terms. As a school teacher he was most successful and popular. Mr. Alderfer is a most experienced surveyor and has attended to all business of that character in the vicinity of his home for the past 12 years. At the age of 28 he was appointed justice of the peace to succeed his father, and was elected to the same office in the spring of 1897. Mr. Alderfer has performed the duties of his office in a creditable manner, thereby gaining the respect of the entire community. He is a director of the First National Bank of Schwenksville, secretary of the Harleysville and Lederachville Turnpike Company, and very generously associated with many business enterprises in that vicinity. Mr. Alderfer is well known throughout this county and is recongnized as being one of the leading financiers in that community. He has always taken a great interest in the welfare of Harleysville, and on many occasions assisted materially in its business enterprises.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:12 PST