At Public vendue, on the 24th day of February inst. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the house of the subscriber, in Amity township, Berks county: A valuable tract of land joining the great road leading from Reading to Philadelphia, situate between the tavern of the white horse and spread eagle (formerly black horse) joining also the river Schuylkill. There are on the premises two two-story dwelling-houses both of stone, a log barn, stables, a smith-shop and two never failing wells. 20 acres of this land is good timbered and the remainder divided in 5 fields, all adjoining the said road; the whole to contain about 60 acres. An indisputable title and possession will be given on the first day of April next. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber living on the premises.
John Kirlin, sen.
February 7th, 1804
Source: Der Readinger Adler, 7 February 1804. Submitted by Nancy.
Republican Light Infantry.
The company, commanded by Capt. Marx, will parade, at their usual place, on Saturday, the 24th inst. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in complete Uniform.
By ordre of the Captain,
Conrad Fry, 1st Searjt.
November 13th 1804
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 13 February 1804. Submitted by Nancy.]
To be let.
The grist mills, saw mill, oil mill and mill for cracking plaister of Paris, lately occupied by Mr. Ottenkirk. Inquire of Daniel Clymer.
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 23 October 1804. Submitted by Nancy.]
To be Sold,
By private Sale, a valuable plantation, situated in Coventry township, Chester county, 3 miles from Warwick furnace, 3 miles from Hopewell furnace, 3 miles from the river Schuylkill, 3 miles from Coventry forge and 6 miles from Pottsgrove; containing 133 acres of good land, 100 of which are cleared and of these 8 acres is meadow, the remainder is well timbered with chestnut, oak and hickory; adjoining lands of Christian Amole and Jacob Hase. There are on the premises: an orchard with about 150 apple trees and other fruit trees; a log dwelling house, two log barns, a spring house built of stone with a never failing spring. The whole place shall be sold either together or in small tracts as it shall be most convenient to purchasers. Possession may be had the 1st of April next and for farther particulars enquire of the owner living on the premises.
William Shener.
November 13, 1804
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 13 November 1804. Submitted by Nancy.]
All persons indebted to the late John Ottenkirk of Caernarvon township, Berks county, Miller, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment; and those who have any legal demands against the deceased to produce their accounts for settlement to
Ann Ottenkirk, ad'x.
James Graham, Jun. \ ad'rs.
William Ross /
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 25 December 1804. Submitted by Nancy.]
Spanish Hides & Tanners Oil etc.
The subscribers have just received a quantity of River of Plata Hides--they have also as usual on hand different Kinds of Hides salted and unsalted, also Tanners Oil of the first Quality and Tanners and Curriers Tools for sale by
Arthur Howell and Sons.
No. 107 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
5th Month (May 15th,) 1810.
N.B. The higest Price cash given for handsome Skirting and Harness and other Kinds of Leather in the Rough or in Exchange for Hides.
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 10 May 1810. Submitted by Nancy.]
Qualified to teach, besides Spelling, Reading and Writing, Arithmetic, will hear of a good place by applying to one of the Subscribers, in Heidelberg Township, Berks County,
Christian Ruth
William Fisher.
December, 24th, 1811
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 24 December 1811. Submitted by Nancy.]
Liverpool & Glass Ware.
Received by late arrivals a very extensive and general assortment of the above articles, now selling at the most reduced prices by
Carter & Tyndale,
No. 111 North Front Street, Philadelphia.
June 11th, 1816
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 25 June 1816. Submitted by Nancy.]
Lumber for sale.
The subscriber has on hand a large supply of LUMBER, such as clear white pine plank and boards, yellow pine ditto, scantling and shingles fit for present use, at his yard, on Front street, in Harrisburg, at the upper end of the town.
Stephen Hills.
June 13th, 1816
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 25 June 1816. Submitted by Nancy.]
To William Burns.
TAKE NOTICE that your wife Mary has filed her libel in the court of common please of Berks county, in which she prays to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, into which she has entered with you. And you are hereby required to be and appear at a court of common please, to be held at Reading, in and for the county of Berks, on the first Monday in April next, than and there to answer to the libel of your wife aforesaid.
Peter Aurand, Sheriff,
Of Berks county.
Febr. 4th, 1817
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 25 February 1817. Submitted by Nancy.]
To Daniel Seyfert
Elizabeth Seyfert by her next [sic] friend Thomas Dumm
Daniel Seyfert
Libel sur divorce
SIR, -- In pursuance of an order of the Court of common pleas of Berks county, you are hereby required to be and appear at a court of common please, to be held at Reading, in and for the county of Berks, on the first Monday in April next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why your wife, Elizabeth Seyfert should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, contracted by her with you.
Yours etc.
Peter Aurand, Sheriff
Reading, March 4th 1817
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 4 March 1817. Submitted by Nancy.]
Earnest Request.
All those who are indebted to the subscribers, in Bonds, Notes or Book Account, are once more most earnestly requested to make payment on or before the first day of April next.
James & Krauser,
Reading, March 11, 1817
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 18 March 1817. Submitted by Nancy.]
To the Creditors of the subscribers, who are insolvent debtors.
PLEASE to take Notice, that we have applied to the court of common please of Berks county for the benefit of the laws made for the benefit of insolvent debtors, and the said court has assigned the thirteenth day of May next to hear us and our creditors at the court house in Reading, at two o'clock p.m. of the day aforesaid.
Frederick Gift
Owen Hughes
April 21st 1817.
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 29 April 1817. Submitted by Nancy.]
To Ellis Hughes.
TAKE Notice, that your wife, Christina has filed her libel in the court of Common Please of Berks county, in which she prays, to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, into which she has entered with you. And you are hereby required to appear at a court of common please, to be held at Reading, in and for the county of Berks, on the first Monday of August, 1819, to answer to the libel of your wife aforesaid.
John Miller,
Sheriff of Berks county
May 24th, 1819
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 1 June 1819. Submitted by Nancy.]
To Catharine Wanner.
TAKE Notice, that your Husband, David Wanner, has filed his libel in the court of Common Please of Berks county, in which he prays, to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, into which he has entered with you. And you are hereby required, to appear at a court of common please, to be held at Reading, in and for the county of Berks, on the first Monday of August, 1819, to answer to the libel of your husband aforesaid.
John Miller,
Sheriff of Berks county
May 24th, 1819
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 1 June 1819. Submitted by Nancy.]
To Peter Fisher.
TAKE Notice, that your wife Elizabeth, has filed her libel in the court of Common Please of Berks county, in which she prays, to be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, into which she has entered with you. And you are hereby required, to appear at a court of common please, to be held at Reading, in and for the county of Berks, on the first Monday of August, 1819, to answer to the libel of your wife aforesaid.
John Miller,
Sheriff of Berks county
May 24th, 1819
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 1 June 1819. Submitted by Nancy.]
Berks County Tax and Tavern Licenses
All those Collectors, that have yet Balances to pay into the Treasury, are hereby most earnestly requested immediately to pay in full or abide by the Consequences of their Neglect.
The Tavernkeepers are friendly cautioned not to neglect taking up and paying for their Licenses before it may be too late.
J.K. Messersmith, Treasurer,
Readings, May 25th 1819
[Source: Der Readinger Adler, 1 June 1819. Submitted by Nancy.]
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:38 PST