The following are selected abstracts from Reading Newsweek. Reading Newsweek was a weekly digest of local news for Reading and Berks County published for service men and women in U.S. military and naval services. It was published every Tuesday by the Reading Eagle Company. The majority of the abstracts deal with people from Boyertown and nearby areas.
Betty Rhoads of 421 E. 3rd St., Boyertown and Franklin Evans of Pottstown were married in the Chapel of the Navy Yard in Norfolk, VA.
Evelyn Reitnauer, 29 S. Madison St., Boyertown and Corp. Ernest Groff, 327 Shaner St., Boyertown were married in Brownsville, Texas.
Lydia J. Bryan of Douglassville and Elmer R. Hess of Stonersville were married at Christ Reformed Church of Allentown.
Jean Drexel, of 1642 Cotton Street, Reading and Wallace Barton of Topton, were married in Topton.
Edward S. Schanely, 57, formerly of Boyertown, died.
A. Lincoln Beiber, 58, of Pikeville, died.
Miss Mazie Zerr of RD 1 Boyertown and Fireman 2nd Class Roland Stengel of Bally were married at Ft. Pierce, Florida.
Miss Kathryn Brumbach of Boyertown and Charles Woodrow Rhoads of Boyertown were married at the home of the brides parents in Boyertown.
Reda Naomi Merkel of RD 2 Boyertown and Jacob S. Oxenford of Douglassville were married at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Boyertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuser of Bechtelsville were notified their son Pvt. Vernon S. Kuser was seriously wounded in the South Pacific.
Isabella W. Weiser, 80, 42 W. Philadelphia Ave., Boyertown, died.
Levi H. Weller, 89, 126 N. Walnut St., Boyertown, died.
Inducted at Allentown from Board 1
Robert Robinson, RD 1, Boyertown
Newton B. Boyer, RD 1, Boyertown
Harold Rhoads, RD 1, Boyertown
Henry D. Wise, Boyertown
Paul Wolfgang, Boyertown
Eugene Clauser, Boyertown
Gerald H. Weller, RD 2, Boyertown
Robert H. Conrad, RD 2, Boyertown
George E. Sherman Jr., RD 2, Douglassville
Stanley J. Weil, RD 1, Douglassville
Linwood E. Rhoads RD 2, Douglassville
John J. Sterner, RD 1, Boyertown
Donald L. Renninger, RD 1, Boyertown
Howard S. Bliem, RD 2, Boyertown
Franklin F. Gresh, Boyertown
Evans G. Koons, Boyertown (Boyertown and Illinois University Alumni, Coach at Kutztown College)
Charles O. Smith, Boyertown
Herbert D. Weller, Boyertown
Lester K. Schultz, Boyertown
Charles R. Trout, Jr., Boyertown
Franklin D. Eddinger, Boyertown
Rodney L. Kinder, Boyertown
Spencer P. Goodman, Boyertown
Staff Sergeant Harold S. Kline, of Boyertown, who was reported missing in action earlier this month, is now a prisoner of War of the Germans. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kline of 37 S. Chestnut Street. He was a turret gunner on a Flying Fortress which made an attack on German industrial city recently. Three other members of the crew were also reported as prisoners.
Pvt. Paul M. Mest, 31, of Gilbertsville died of sunstroke at Camp Horn, Arizona.
Albert Leo Bryan, 20, seaman, Douglassville RD 2 died at an undisclosed location from wounds received in his duty.
Student flier Joseph O. Swann, 35, Philadelphia was killed when a plan from the Smiling Jack Airport, Douglassville dived 2,000 feet into a field near Earlville. James Boss, 25, the instructor parachuted to safety.
Herbert L. Schmoyer of Boyertown, merchant died of a heart attack as his daughter Helen Cecelia Schmoyer became the bride of Frank Alsass of Waynesburg, OH. The wedding was at St. Johns Lutheran Church, Boyertown.
Miss Annie L. Yorgey of Stowe and Mr. Samuel D. Clauser of 1015 North 11th Street, Reading were married.
Miss Edith A. Weller of Boyertown and Edward H. Grosser of Boyertown RD 1 were married at Randolph Field, Texas.
N. C. O. Donald Egolf of Reading was promoted to Corporal Technician, Ordinance of North Africa.
Birth - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dellicker of Laureldale.
Sergeant Elmer W. Reeser, 30, of 606 East Philadelphia Ave., Boyertown was killed in a crash of an army bomber at Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover, Utah. Ten officers and enlisted men were killed in the crash.
Two West End Firemen, of Pottstown, were injured last week while battling a blaze that destroyed a large barn on the farm of William Bunn, Pine Forge. Bunn placed the loss at $5,000.
Allentown Inductees
Charles W. Gross, RD 2, Boyertown Marines
Warren A. Moatz, RD 1, Boyertown Navy
John R. Chitick, 518 E. Phila. Ave., Boyertown Navy
Curtis LaVerne Erb, RD 2, Boyertown Navy
Ralph M. Minotto, 548 King St., Pottstown Army
Ernest C. Neiman, Boyertown Army
Mrs. Charles B. Spatz unveiled the Boyertown Roll of Honor at exercises held on the lawn at the Friendship hook and Ladder Company property in the borough of Boyertown.
Second Lt. Vernon S. Magners, 31 Apple St, Boyertown, in North Africa, received a promotion and the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal for Meritorious Achievement over Sicily.
Miss Elizabeth Minnie Lucarelli of Boyertown and Pvt. 1st Class Paul Heydt Stettler of New Berlinville were married. Mr. Stettler is stationed at Camp Stewart, Georgia.
Miss Grace A. Houck, of 3030 South Reading Ave., Boyertown was married to Robert Ebbert of Trebor Place, Wyomissing.
Ernest Fritz, 29, of Berkshire Heights, former employee of Wyomissing Industries, who served as a Merchant Marine fireman aboard a ship reported lost in the Pacific, has turned up as a prisoner of war on the Malayan Peninsula. His brother, William Fritz, 608 Wyomissing Blvd., Berkshire Heights, was notified by the War Department that Ernest was located by the International Red Cross. Ernest is a son of the late Carl and Sophie Fritz. He enlisted 5 years ago.
Selective Service
Leroy B. Edinger, Boyertown Army
Earl G. Geiger, Pottstown Army
Paul D. Davidheiser, RD 2 Boyertown Army
Russell C. Weand, Boyertown Army
Warren S. E. Shanely, Boyertown Army
Herbert G. Fisher, Pottstown Army
Harold W. Moyer, Boyertown Army
Ronald F. Acker, RD 2, Boyertown Army
Clifford H. Reinhart, RD 4, Pottstown Marines
Douglas E. Sell, Boyertown Marines
Death David N. Sassaman, 5 E. Elm St., Shillington, Yeoman 2nd class reported killed in action September 15, 1942 with the sinking of the air craft carrier Wasp on the Coral Sea, according to the Navy Department. Sassaman had previously been listed as missing in action.
Theodore F. Kruk of Douglassville, in the Naval Reserves, received a promotion upon completion of training at Pensacola, Florida.
Inductees, Board 1
Edgar L. K. Kurtz, Gilbertsville
Jacob J. Werstler, RD 2, Boyertown
Guy W. Oxenford Briel, Boyertown
Elmer G. Diefenderfer, RD 1, Douglassville
Leroy R. Forrester, RD 2, Boyertown
Curtis C. Horn, RD 1, Boyertown
Albert E. Ritter, Boyertown
Richard B. Smith, Boyertown
Harold G. Gresh, Boyertown
Harry S. Bryan, RD 2, Douglassville
Jacob A. Longacre, Boyertown
Calvin R. Bernhart, RD 2, Boyertown
Arthur Hartman, Boyertown
Harvey B. Updegrove, RD 2, Boyertown
Gilbert B. Boettner, Boyertown
Linwood Schaeffer, RD 1, Boyertown
Ralph Bernhard, Boyertown
Inductee Board 4
Raymond J. Shunk, RD 2 Boyertown
Navy Inductees
James E. March, Pottstown
Henry R. Sotter, Pottstown
Robert L. Garber, Boyertown
Carl E. Conrad, RD 2, Boyertown
Morris H. Berger, Pottstown
John G. Trout, Boyertown
Harvey B. Schaeffer, Boyertown
Albert R. Herman, Douglassville
Carl Drumheller, RD 2, Douglassville
Miss Catharine B. Eshbach of Boyertown RD 2 and Pvt. First Class Jesse R. Bechtel of Boyertown were married. Bechtel is stationed at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts.
Marine Lieutenant Beatrice I. Spangler, 3430 Montclair Ave., Laureldale and Lieutenant Harry R. Wade of Douglass Township were married. She is stationed at Cherry point, NC and he is home on leave after service in the West Indies.
Miss Marie A. Behm of Boyertown and Thomas F. Gresh of Boyertown were married.
Inductees, City Board I
Wilfred G. Minner, Bally - Army
Harold L. Mest, RD 1, Boyertown Army
Clark W. Good, RD 2, Boyertown Army
Clifford W. Gabel, Boyertown Army
Alfred S. Cane, Jr., Pottstown Army
Claude W. Garber, RD 2, Boyertown Army
Arnold R. Gabel, Boyertown Army
Navy Industees
Frederick K. Dilliplane, Boyertown
John F. Albitz, 20, 615 Rhoads Ave., Boyertown, killed in action in the South Pacific.
Sergeant Anthony F. Belini, 22 of Douglassville, RD 1, killed in an airplane crash at a bomber base in England on June 8.
Miss Madeline Sarah Bieber of Boyertown married Robert M. Beiler of Boyertown.
Linwood Schirey, Boyertown
Ralph M. Groff, Boyertown
Carl J. Weidner, RD 1, Boyertown
Ralph S. Trainer, RD 2, Boyertown
John C. Hart, RD 2, Boyertown
Harold I. Sands, RD 2, Boyertown
Harold F. Kline, Douglassville
Death Private William H. Care, 21 of Douglassville, RD 1, infantry, was reported killed in action in Italy on July 13, 1944.
Saylor H. Bliem, RD 2, Boyertown
Pvt. Earl E. Beidewell, 19, of Boyertown, tank corp, was killed in action in France on July 20, 1944.
Colebrookdale The schools of Douglass Township, Berks County will be open September 5. Teachers are: Colebrookdale Principal Mrs. Anna Carver, Miss Eleanore B. Schartel, Mary Jane Fox and Betty Reed. Pine Forge Principal Alma Hartman, the Rev. Jeremiah Rothermel, Amy Y. Dengler and Hattie Levine.
Miss Floretta E. Binder, of 1518 Hoak St. and Arthur J. Sassaman of 523 S. 17th Street, Reading were married.
Private 1st Class Donald B. Schock, 19, Morysville reported killed in action in Germany on September 20, 1944.
Pauline Egolf of Pine Forge and Corp. William Fisher of Reading were married. Fisher is stationed at Goodfellow Field, Texas.
Donald J. Bitting, RD 2, Douglassville
Willard Snyder, RD 2, Boyertown
Technical Sergeant Lloyd G. Rhoads, RD 2, Boyertown previously reported missing in action is now listed as killed in action.
Pvt. 1st Class Earl H. Carl of Boyertown was killed in action.
Helen R. Schaeffer of Morysville and Corp. Harry E. Mauger of Gilbertsville were married. Corp. Mauger who recently returned from overseas is stationed in Florida.
Registrants at Reading
Virgil R. Botts, RD 2, Boyertown
Roland G. Schock, RD 2 Boyertown
William E. Harner, Pine Forge
Edward W. Conrad, RD 2, Boyertown
Relda T. Schoch of Bechtelsville married Jesse H. Rothenberger of New Berlinville.
Private LeRoy B. Fritz, 27, of 410 Scott Street was reported killed in action in France on November 5, 1944.
Daniel M. Weller, 30, RD 1, Boyertown was reported killed in Belgium on January 1, 1945.
Pvt. 1st Class Daniel Croll, 20, of Boyertown was reported killed in Belgium on January 7, 1945.
Norman H. Hoch, Historian for Charles B. Yerger, American Legion Post 471 of Boyertown is writing a brief history of military service of every member of the post.
Russell D. Baus, Boyertown
Kenneth C. Spohn, RD 2, Douglassville
Gordon A. Schmoyer, Boyertown
Called up
Monroe R. Frey, RD 2, Boyertown
Shirley V. Keyser of Boyertown and Donald M. Hoffman of Pottstown were married.
Mary J. Miller of West Leesport and Pvt. Richard L. Fritz of Dauberville, were married.
Pottstown Police reported that a truck driven by Charles H. Bowman, 21, of Wilmington, Delaware, had been held up between Douglassville and Stowe. The driver reported a loss of $120 in cash.
Lillian Davidheiser of Gabelsville and Sergeant Paul Bechtel of Gabelsville were married. Bechtel returned recently from overseas.
Harry Z. Fritz, 58, head of Fritz Moving Company, died in his home at 100 Arlington Street, Reading. He was born in Berks County, a son of the late Martin and Jane (Ziemer) Fritz. Fritz was engaged in the moving business for the last 25 years, maintaining an office and warehouse at 620 N. Eighth Street, Reading.
Registrants, Board 1
Robert R. Hartman, Boyertown
William H. Shirey, RD 2, Boyertown
Malcom G. Koons, Boyertown
Jacob R. Cleaver, RD 1, Boyertown
Francis Y. Jennings of Austin, Texas became the wife of Staff Sergeant Paul F. Rhoads, who is on furlough from overseas.
Six men applied for the postmaster job at Boyertown: Harry E. Grim, Raymond E. Dellicker, Randall Koons all of Boyertown; Philip R. Bechtel of New Berlinville; Harvey R. Minninger of RD 2, Boyertown and Master Sergeant Russell B. Landis, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Alvin H. Fisher, Jr. Boyertown
Marion L. Yoder, RD 2, Boyertown
George F. Shade, Boyertown
Lloyd H. Kuser, RD 2, Boyertown
Curtis F. Reitnauer, RD 2, Boyertown
Harvey Stengel, RD 1, Boyertown
Webster B. Fox; RD 2, Boyertown
Clarence L. Sell, RD 2, Boyertown
Ralph S. Rahn, Boyertown
Berks County Report From 1941 to June 1945 there were 632 Berks County residents killed, 1,246 wounded, 89 missing in action, 108 listed as Prisoners of War, 95 reported liberated.
Draftees / Inductees
Raymond T. Evans, Pottstown
Robert L. Erb, Boyertown
John A. Correll, Boyertown
George E. Shirey, RD 2 Douglassville
Walter H. Rhoads, Jr., RD 2, Boyertown
Walter E. Summerfield, RD 2, Boyertown
Jerry R. Babb, Boyertown
Pvt. 1st Class Curtis D. Heimbach, 24, of Morysville died of illness on June 3, in Luzon, France.
Sergeant Earl L. Gehris, of 741 East Fourth Street, Boyertown received the Distinguished Flying Cross on Tinian.
Lt. Col. Charles Leinbach, native of Douglassville and resident of Pottstown reported lost when a Japanese prison ship was sunk on December 15, 1944.
Jenette Eisenhard of Boyertown, RD 1 was married to Sgt. Richard E. Goodhart of Pottstown, RD 2.
Dorothy M. Schaeffer of Boyertown married Leroy H. Kreider of RD 2 Boyertown.
Melvin C. Levengood, 19, of Douglassville RD 2, who was reported missing in action in Italy on June 14, 1944, is now reported as killed in action.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:38 PST