Clippings from the Reading Gazette and Democrat, April 4, 1857

Aldermen and Justices of the Peace in Berks county, 1857.

The following is a complete list of the newly elected Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, in Reading and Berks county, as well as those holding over from former years. The figures indicate the year in which they were severally elected:

Samuel M. Kistler, 1855
Solomon Fister, 1855

George Dengler, 1855
Philip Hairline, 1853

Jeremiah Van Reed, 1855
A.H. Vanderslice, 1856
Peter Marquart, 1856

Geo. Brownmiller, 1854
John H. Spatz, 1857

Bern Upper
Henry Webber, 1855
Franklin V. Wagner, 1853

William Runkle, 1855
Aaron M. Bright, 1857

Andrew Kurr, 1855
David Diefenbach, 1855

Samuel Hertz, 1855
Philip Bixler, 1856

James E. Wells, 1855
Jacob Reeser, 1856

George K. Haag, 1855
Daniel Zerbey, 1854

William K. Stauffer, 1857
Amos K. Strunk, 1857

John Gougler, 1855
Aug. F. Bertolet, 1856

William Hart, 1855
Jonas Miner, 1855

Henry Gresh, 1855
John W. Arms, 1853

Daniel Clauser, 1855
Jonathan B. Cleaver, 1855

Wm. H. Schneider, 1855
Jacob Pile, 1856

Henry C. Kroll, 1855
Peter Kline, 1855

Israel Derr, 1855
B.E. Shollenberger, 1855

Samuel Shearer, 1856

Heidelberg Lower
David W. Eirich, 1855
Joseph H. Hoover, 1855

Heidelberg North
Adam Minnich, 1857
Joshua S. Bickel, 1857

Phillip Troup, 1855
John Jacob, 1853

John Potteiger, 1854
Simon Riegel, 1857

James M. Gehr, 1855
J. Daniel Wanner, 1856

Levi H. Lies, 1855
William Schubert, 1853

Jer. H. Rothermel, 1855
Joseph E. Peter, 1855

Jacob Tice, 1854
George Schoch, 1854

Joshua S. Miller, 1854
John Kemp, 1853

Adam W. Kaufman, 1857
George E. Clymer, 1853

Daniel Laucks, 1855
John P. Kaufman, 1855

Tobias Clauser, 1855
A.D. Himmelreich, 1853

Samuel M. Klee, 1857
Daniel Billman, 1854

Samuel Hoffman, 1855
Reuben Weidner, 1855

Charles Grant, 1854
Jesse Gerhard, 1853

Reading, North Ward
Wm. B. Schoener, 1856
Franklin B. Miller, 1856

Reading, South Ward
Matthias Mengle, 1855
George Printz, 1855

Jas. M. Matthews, 1854
Solomon Miller, 1853

Abraham Ehrgood, 1854
Joseph S. Hoyer, 1853

John Baer, 1855
Benjamin E. Dry, 1855

Nicholas Heckman, 1855

Aaron Mull, 1855
John M. Dewees, 1854

Adam Schoener, 1855
Frederick Muth, 1855

Tulpehocoon Upper
William Ludwig, 1857
Wm. J. Schoener, 1855

Jacob Rahn, 1855
Jeremiah Beard, 1855

Nicholas Andre, jr., 1855
Daniel S. Schultz, 1857

Mahlon A. Sellers, 1854
Reuben Shifferd, 1856

Isaac Womelsdorf, 1855
David Steach, 1856

Township and District Officers Elected March 30, 1857 Reports for the Gazette and Democrat, by S.H. Brockway, Esq, Clerk Sessions.

Albany -- Judge, Samuel Miller; Inspectors, James Heinly, Solomon Muth; Assessor, Solomon Fister; Constable, Ephraim Swoyer; School Directors, John Zettlemoyer, Benjamin Lenhart, Jonathan Smith; Supervisors, Jonathan Greenawald, Phillip Hasselman; Treasurer, Ephraim Swoyer; Clerk, George Bolig; Auditor, Henry Creitz.

Alsace -- Judge, Josiah P. Herb; Inspectors, Levi Hartman, William Adam; Assessor, David Bruner; Constable, Daniel N. Wentzel; School Directors, Jacob Gaby, John Fies; Supervisors, Samuel Deisher, Jacob Hoch; Treasurer, Valentine D. Hartman; Auditor, Henry Palm.

Amity -- Judge, Augustus K. Lorah; Inspectors, William L. Rhoads, John B. Wentzel; Assessor, Samuel Gilliam; Constable, Henry Boyer; School Directors, Jacob Francis, John Wagoner; Supervisors, Samuel Fritz, Jacob Mock; Auditor, Isaac Spatz.

Bern -- Judge, Reuben Hottenstein; Inspectors, John Heint, Peter Harbach; Assessor, John B. Lorah; Constable, John Sheidy; School Directors, Jonathan D. Heister, Reuben Harbein; Supervisors, Isaac Graeff, John Bonnan; Clerk, Henry Fleisher; Auditor, John Spier; Justice, John H. Spatz.

Bern, Upper -- Judge, William B. Kaufman; Inspectors, John Hassler, Michael Kaufman; Assessor, Daniel B. Tobias; Constable, Jacob S. Coots; School Directors, Peter Fink, Daniel Nies, John Folk, Christian Kaufman; Supervisors, Daniel Stahl, Daniel Harber; Clerk, Gabriel F. Kauffman; Auditor, Michael Kaufman.

Bernville -- Judge, Henry W. Smith; Inspectors, William E. Huber, Harrison Haag; Assessor, Daniel Filbert; Constables, John Witman, Adam Williams; School Directors, Benjamin L. Kershner, Daniel Bentz, William B. Reigel; Auditor, David R. Koenig; Justice, Aaron M. Bright.

Bethel -- Judge, David B. Lorah; Inspectors, John Batdorf, Charles N. Porter; Assessor, William D. Klein; Constable, William D. Klein; School Directors, Jonathan Bordner, Daniel Bashore, Isaac Gerhart, Thomas Smith; Supervisors, Isaac Kobel, John Fisher; Treasurer, Michael Smettzer; Clerk, John Brown; Auditor, John Zerbe.

Brecknock -- Judge, Samuel Eshelman; Inspectors, Aaron Kachel, Henry J. Ziemer; Assessor, Richard Bowman; Constable, Rudolph Matz; School Directors, Samuel Rathman, Peter Ziemer, Jr., Jacob Zelly, Joseph Steffee; Supervisors, Joseph Fitterling, Peter Hoshauer; Treasurer, Daniel Hummel; Clerk, William Steffee; Auditor, Jacob Henninger.

Caernarvon -- Judge, John Kurtz; Inspectors, David M. Buckwalter, George Higo; Assessor, Richard Pierce; Constable, Isaac Huzzard; School Directors, Jacob Reeser, John Gable; Supervisors, Samuel Wynn, Peter Styer; Clerk, Milton Rutherford; Auditors, John Morgan, James O'Neal.

Centre -- Inspectors, Levi Kaufman, John K. Stichter; Assessor, Daniel Zerby; Constable, William Potteiger; School Directors, John Ludwig, Henry Phillips; Supervisors, Daniel Christ, Isaac Graeff; Auditor, John A. Foust.

Colebrookdale -- Judge, William Drake; Inspectors, John R. Shaner, Henry Borneman; Assessor, George Mull; Constable, Benjamin Riegner; School Directors, Samuel Landis, Ephraim Cleaver; Supervisors, Jacob Kummerer, Matthias Levan; Auditor, Henry B. Rhoads; Justices, Amos K. Strunk, William K. Staufffer.

Cumru -- Judge, William Kauffman; Inspectors, Abraham Matz, Joseph V.W. Kohl; Assessor, George Strunk; Constable, Michael Waldeknecht; School Directors, Joseph Huyett, Henry Gring; Supervisors, John Keffer, William Hornberger; Treasurer, Samuel Kurtz; Clerk, Edward Dippery; Auditor, Ezra High.

District -- Judge, Jacob S. Moyer; Inspectors, Martin Landis, David Richard; Assessor, Charles Ween; Constable, John Reinert; Supervisors, Daniel Heydt, John Hoge; Clerk, Jacob Reidenauer; Auditor, Jonas Minor.

Douglass -- Judge, David Reinert; Inspectors, John M. Landis, Augustus Levengood; Assessor, George Hatfield; Constable, Philip Eagle; School Directors, Charles Leopold, Samuel Kuser; Supervisors, Charles Yorgay, Peter Levengood; Clerk, Samuel Reinert; Auditor, George R. Yorgey.

Earl -- Judge, Simon Swebely; Inspectors, Daniel Sassaman, Conrad Koch; Assessor, Jonathan Swebley; Constable, Jacob Clase; School Directors, Michael Wolfgang, Isaac Betz, Daniel Matthias, William Drumheller; Supervisors, Daniel Hartman, John Dearolf; Auditor, John C. Bertolet.

Exeter -- Judge, Daniel Schneider; Inspectors, William E. William, Isaac Close; Assessor, Henry Wien; Constable, Peter Steinmetz; School Directors, William Althouse, Washington Guldin; Supervisors, Peter Levan, William Clark; Auditor, John D. Ritter.

Greenwich -- Judge, Daniel Apple; Inspectors, Daniel Will, Frederick Ritter; Assessor, William Meitzler; Constable, William Meitzler; School Directors, Daniel Trexler, Jacob George,* George Merkel;* Supervisors, Henry K. Dietrich, Jacob L. Heinly; Auditor, Jonathan K. Grim.

Hamburg -- Judge, Rufus D. Wolf; Inspectors, Joseph Coller, Charles Leobold; Assessor, Abraham Shollenberger; Constable, Henry Shaedler; School Directors, Jacob Geiger, Charles Faust.

Hereford -- Judge, John Hoof; Inspectors, Daniel Bittenbender, Joseph Krieble; Assessor, Jonathan Shaub; Constable, Abraham Salladay; School Directors, Daniel Nester, George Kemp; Levi Fetherman; Supervisors, Henry Hiensberger, Henry G. Masteller; Auditor, Phillip Heinbach.

Heidelberg North -- Judge, Edward Billman; Inspectors, Israel S. Gruber, William Moyer; Assessor, Anthony Bickel; Constable, Nathan D. Billman; School Directors, Jonathan Dundor, Jacob Stoudt, Levi R. Lengel; Supervisors, Philip Himmelberger, Joseph Klopp; Auditor, Benj. Richard; Justices, Adam Minnich, Joshua Bickel.

Heidelberg Lower -- Judge John H. Huyett; Inspectors, Daniel Bause, Michael Simon; Assessor, Henry Stoudt; Constable, Joseph Diehl; School Directors, Peter Hain, Henry H. Hoover; Supervisors, George Holl, Henry Moyer,* William Stichler;* Clerk, John D. Reed; Auditor, Reuben Hain.

Heidelberg -- Judge, Samuel Werner; Inspectors, Daniel Cox, William Bickel; Assessor, John Seibert; School Directors, Samuel Shaner, John L. Brown, Adam Leise; Supervisors, George Glassmoyer, Samuel Klingler; Clerk, Samuel Brown; Auditor, John Chaner.

Jefferson -- Judge, Isaac M. Wagoner, Inspectors, John Derr, Samuel Strause; Assessor, John Holtzman; Constable, John Strause; School Directors, Joseph Kalbach, John Henne, Daniel Wenrich; Supervisors, Daniel Miller, Samuel Zechman; Auditor, Paul Wenrich; Justice, Simon Riegle.

Kutztown -- Judge, Dewald Wink; Inspectors, Edwin Humbert, Charles H. Bieber; Assessor, Jacob G. Gehr; Constable, Augustus Copp; School Directors, George J. Fister, J. Daniel Wanner.

Longswamp -- Judge, John Wormkessel; Inspectors, Geo. Frederick, Jonas Bortz; Assessor, Reuben Fritz; Constable, Nathan Keyser; School Directors, Amos Weller, Frederic Boyer; Supervisors, John Smith, Valentine Geist; Treasurer, Richard Wertz; Clerk, Tilghman Dennis; Auditors, David Wall, Samuel Reissinger.

Maidencreek -- Judge Levi Brumbach; Inspectors, Jacob Ruppert, John Ely; Assessor, David Trout; Constable, Samuel Kaufman; School Directors, Thomas Penrose, Jos. E. Peter, J.B. Rothermel, Thomas Roberts; Supervisors, Jacob Boyer, Jacob Paul; Treasurer, Jacob Hoffman; Clerk, Henry Bucher; Auditor, G.W. Wiley.

Marion -- Judge John Bechtold; Inspectors, David N. Killmer, Adam L. Hain; Assessor, Samuel Moyer; Constable, James Livingood; School Directors, Samuel Filbert, John Schreher; Supervisors, George Shaeffer, Cyrus Sellers; Clerk, Jonathan Mabery; Auditor, Jacob Tice.

Maxatawny -- Judge, David B. Levan; Inspectors, Jonathan Bieber, Charles F. Levan; Assessor, Charles D. Hoch; Constable, Allen Swoyer; School Directors, Daniel Angstadt, Benneville Stimmel, Isaac Deturk; Supervisors, Jacob Sheire, Abraham H. Siegfried; Auditor, David H. Hottenstein.

Muhlenberg -- Judge, Adam Sailer; Inspectors, Henry Body, William H. Moyer; Assessor, Joseph Harter; Constable, Joseph Harter; School Directors, John Zacharias, Morgan D. Medlar; Supervisors, Samuel Gehret, Daniel Baum; Treasurer, ---; Auditor, Francis Parvin; Justice, Adam W. Kaufman.

Ontelaunee -- Judge, George Weidenhammer; Inspectors, E. Fox, Henry Moll; Assessor, Jonathan Gehres; Constable, James Bell; School Directors, A.H. Gernand, Jeremiah Mengel, Henry Ahrens; Supervisors, Jesse Weiser, Jacob R. Huy; Treasurer, John W. Althouse; Clerk, Franklin Faber; Auditor, Tobias Clouser.

Oley -- Judge, David Bair; Inspectors, Daniel K. Hunter, Jacob G. Deysher; Assessor, Jacob Weidner; Constable, Jacob Behm; School Directors, Wellington Griesemer, John G. Fisher; Supervisors, Gideon Reider, Jeremiah Flicker; Auditor, Martin Yoder.

Pike -- Judge George Tea; Inspectors, John Dotterer, Abraham H. Shaeffer; Assessor, Benjamin Yerger; Constable, William Dellecker; School Directors, Daniel Hess, William Moses; Supervisors, Reuben Drumheller, Ezra D. Yorkey; Auditor, David Lobach.

Penn-- Judge, Valentine Epler; Inspectors, Benneville S. Richards, Peter B. Kershner; Assessor, Philip Yerger; Constable, George Daubert; School Directors, William Umbenhauer, John N. Potteiger; Supervisors, Samuel Haas, William Schneider; Treasurer, Peter Kershner; Clerk, Samuel M. Klee; Auditor, Samuel M. Klee; Justice, Samuel M. Klee.

Perry -- Judge, Reuben S. Unger; Inspectors, Francis S. Reber, John S. Guldin; Assessor, John Shappell; Constable, John K. Schneider; School Directors, John H. Kershner, John Deturk; Supervisors, Isaac R. Becker, Peter Stetzler; Clerk, John Betz; Auditor, Samuel Hoffman.

Richmond -- Judge Charles Heffner; Inspectors, William McGarky, Joel Dreibelbies; Assessor, Jacob Becker; Constable, Aaron Heckman; School Directors, Simon Rothermel, Levi Shaeffer, Reuben Weidenhammer; Supervisors, Jacob Wanner, Benneville Young; Treasurer, Samuel Dumm; Clerk, Adam Schuger; Auditor, Reuben Weidenhammer.

Robeson -- Judge, William Wickline; Inspectors, Peter Brown, Paul Geiger; Assessor, Christian Jacobs; Constable, George Grubb; School Directors, Henry Moyer, Jacob Kurtz,* James Scarlet;* Supervisors, Samuel Silchter, Cadwallader Morris, John Steinmetz; Clerk, Samuel Zink; Auditor, Isaac Rhoads.

Rockland -- Judge, John Mast; Inspectors, Absalom Frederick, Isaac Stimmel; Assessor, Jacob Weidman; Constable, Reuben Walb; School Directors, Isaac Seyler, William Noll; Supervisors, Jonathan Landis, John Moser; Auditor, John Bair.

Ruscombmanor -- Judge, Nicholas Rettinger, Inspectors, Daniel Rauenzahn, Samuel Becker; Assessor, Reuben Deysher; Constable, Philip Hassler; School Directors, Henry Ludwig, Levi Wesner; Supervisors, John Manwiller, Daniel Brown; Clerk, Nathan Breidigam; Auditor, David Bechman.

Spring -- Judge, John Sell; Inspectors, Rufus Whiskyman, Levi Witman; Assessor, George Luft; Constable, Israel Breiner; School Directors, Samuel Yocum, Reuben Mull; Supervisors, Isaac Sharman, George Freeman; Clerk, John Ruth; Auditor, Benneville Krick.

Tulpehocoon -- Judge, Daniel Batdorf; Inspectors, Monroe Baum, Edward Kantner; Assessor, Godfrey Bordner; Constable, Godfrey Bordner; School Directors, Henry Keener, Jacob Frantz; Supervisors, Jacob Umbenhauer, John Bechtel; Clerk, Cyrus Anthony; Auditor, Frederick Muth.

Tulpehocoon Upper -- Judge, John Strause; Inspectors, William Keehner, Samuel Nine; Assessor, Benneville Clay; Constable, Benneville Clay; School Directors, Thomas Hiester, David Unger; Supervisors, Henry Ritzman, Jonas Christman; Clerk, Moses Henne; Auditor, Joseph Boltz; Justice, William Ludwig.

Union -- Judge, Jacob G. Kerlin; Inspectors, Samuel Wolf, George Maxton; Assessor, John Harrison; Constable, Daniel Kerlin; School Directors, A.B. Mauger, C.M. Olingen, H.B. Egolf; Supervisors, Emanuel Lord, Jacob Steinmetz; Clerk, Samuel Westley; Auditor, Geo. Hunsberger.

Washington -- Judge Samuel Weiss; Inspectors, Charles Reitenauer, Edward Eshbach; Assessor, John G. Glass; Constable, Benneville Schoch; School Directors, Peter Deysher, David Schweyer; Supervisors, John Mutter, John Madtes; Auditor, Jacob C. Oberholtzer; Justice, Daniel B. Shultz.

Windsor -- Judge, George M. Miller; Inspectors, George Boyer, Franklin Miller; Assessor, Samuel Heppner; Constable, Joseph Loy; School Directors, Henry Engle, William H. Miller; Supervisors, Jacob Strasser, Jacob Boyer; Treasurer, David Miller; Clerk, Isaac Adam; Auditor, M.A. Sellers. Against removal of Election 119, for removal of Election 54?.

Womelsdorf -- Judge, John Haag; Inspectors, Henry M. Clouse, Franklin Kantner; Assessor, Jacob Wiegamen; Constable, Peter Leininger; School Directors, Jacob Reifsnyder, Samuel Mowry; Supervisor, William Daubert; Auditor, Elias Filbert.

Reading City:

North-East Ward -- Judge, Lewis L. Moyer; Inspectors, George Struben, Ephraim Hallman; Assessor, Francis Mellen; School Directors, Michael K. Boyer, Marks R. Scull, Brandon Van Leer.

North-West Ward -- Judge, Henry Schoener; Inspector, William Yeich, Benjamin Weiss; Assessor, Aaron Getz; School Directors, Albert G. Green, Lewis Briner.

South-East Ward -- Judge, William S. Ritter; Inspectors, Henry C. Homan, George Bechtel; Assessor, John F. Evans; School Directors, Levi P. Knerr, George W. Geiger.

South-West Ward - Judge, Richards M'Michael; Inspectors, Andrew M. Dehart, Joseph K. Harvey; Assessor, Daniel Hahn; School Directors, Samuel Frees, Howard L. Miller.

Spruce Ward - Judge, Henry Barker; Inspectors, William S. Seges, Martin B. Hoffman; Assessor, Edward Smeck; Constable, John W. Lash, William Keen; School Directors, Edward Schaeffer, James W. Holmes, Joseph W. Diehl.

Borough of Kutztown

Chief Burgess -- Hiram Bickel

Assistant Burgess -- Isaac Sunday

Town Council -- John Miller, William Hine, Charles Gleser, Peter M. Gift, Lewis Fisher

Borough of Hamburg

Chief Burgess -- John Miller

Assistant Burgess -- Charles Keller

Town Council -- John Sontag, jr., John Hartzel, Jesse Wagner, Frederick Gooddeck, Peter S. Smith, Jacob Frederick, Michael Reichert.

City Affairs

Ecclesiastical -- The Rev. Dr. John W. Nevin will preach in the Second German Reformed Church, on Easter Sabbath.

Correction. In our account last week of the accident which happened to Mr. Theodore Homan's child, we stated that no one was in the room at the time it occurred. This was a mistake. The family were all present.

Accident. A young lad, about fourteen years of age, named Henry Geary, the son of a widow, residing in Penn street, was killed on Sunday afternoon last, by the accidental discharge of a gun. The accident occurred on the road leading to the Mineral Spring, about two hundred yards from the turnpike and the boy was discovered by several persons who were returning to the city, in the evening. Young Geary had been in company with some other boys of his own age who were amusing themselves with the gun, and while in his hands, it was unexpectedly discharged. The load entered the right cheek, near the eye, portions passing out on the opposite side of the head. When found, he was still breathing, but he died soon after being carried home.

Masonic Lodge in Womelsdorf. On Wednesday last, a new Lodge of Ancient York Masons was opened in due form in the borough of Womelsdorf, in this county, by the Right Worshipful Officers of the Grand Lodge of this State, under the name of "Williamson Lodge, No. 807." The proceedings were of a most interesting and imposing character. The Right Worshipful Grand Master, Peter Williamson, Esq., after whom the lodge is named, conducted the ceremonies in person, assisted by Mayor Vaux, Col. Page, and other dignitaries of the Order in Philadelphia and some twenty or thirty brethren of the Craft from this city. The following gentlemen, previously elected, were installed as officers of the new Lodge, viz:

Worshipful Master -- John Stephen M.D.
Senior Warden -- H. Penn Smith
Junior Warden -- John M. Shonour
Treasurer -- William Moore, M.D.
Secretary -- Thomas S. Searle.

The organization took place in the Odd Fellows' Hall, at Womelsdorf. This is the first Lodge of Masons organized in Berks county, outside of Reading. It starts under very promising auspices and bids fair to become one of the most flourishing institutions of the kind in the rural districts of the State.

Masonic Visitation. The Right Worship Officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons, of this State, made a formal visitation to Reading and Chandler Lodge, of this city, at their Hall, in the fourth story of Barto's Keystone House, on Tuesday evening last. The ceremonies were of an interesting and imposing character. The Grand Master, Peter Williamson, Esq., Hon. Richard Vaux, Col. Page, with other officers of the Grand Lodge were present on the occasion. Immediately after the adjournment, the visitors were escorted to the residence of Dr. Frank M. Hiester, where they were entertained with old fashioned Reading hospitality. The Mayors of Philadelphia and Reading hob-nobbed together, and a "good time" generally was had by all who had the pleasure of participating in this agreeable reunion of the brothers of the craft.

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