Rev. Caleb T Weidner, 742 Lance Place, pastor of Salem Evangelical church, of Mohnsville, and Miss Martha M Kocher, of Orwigsburg, were married Wednesday evening at his church. The ceremony was performed by the groom's father, Rev. W. H. Weidner, in the presence of the congregation. The couple were unattended. After the wedding, the couple proceeded to the home of the groom, where a few of his friends were entertained. Later they left on a tour, and on their return will live in Mohnsville. About 250 friends witnessed the ceremony. William E Showalter and John A Blankenbiller were ushers. The bride was attired in brown and held a bunch of tea roses. The church was decorated. The bride is a daughter of Contractor James Kocher.
Submitted by: Diana.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:36 PST