Clippings from the Reading Eagle, Wednesday, October 28, 1891
In Buzzard's Behalf. Death Bed Confession of Mrs. Geiger Admitting Perjury. Board of Pardons Heard All the Evidence.
The Board of Pardons listened to Abe Buzzard's 4th application for pardon. He is now serving 15 years imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary for burglary and breaking jail. A.B. Hassler, Esq. represented the prisoner and presented the death bed confession of Mrs. Geiger, upon whose evidence Buzzard was convicted. Mrs. Geiger says she swore falsely because she had a grudge against Buzzard. Affidavits were also presented by men who claim that they committed the crime for which Buzzard is now suffering.
Social. A 30th Anniversary. Big Preparations for the Event in the 6th Street Evangelical Church.
The 30th anniversary of the 6th Street Evangelical Sunday school takes place next Sunday. In the morning, Rev. G.B. Fisher, of Uniontown, PA will occupy the pulpit. In the afternoon at the hour of Sabbath school service, the anniversary occasion will be celebrated by the school. There will be special singing by the school and music by an orchestra. All the surviving members of the school who have remained with the church will be present. They are: Wm. Young, Eli M. Kern, Dr. E. Siegel, Charles D. Miller and Miss Sue Rudisill. Short addresses by these original members will be delivered, interspersed with special singing of the infant department, under the direction of Superintendent J.H. Seibert. A communication from Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman, of Cleveland, Ohio, who was the first superintendent, reviewing its early struggles and successes, will be read. Rev. G.B. Fisher who was the first pastor of the church will deliver an address. The decorations promise to exceed anything of the kind ever attempted before in this church. A large attendance is expected in the afternoon, and to accommodate all who attend the whole lower floor will be converted into one auditorium. In the evenings Rev. Fisher will again occupy the pulpit and deliver the regular anniversary sermon. The preaching is to be preceded by a half hour's song service accompanied by a full orchestra, ander [sic] the leadership of George W. Gasser. The Sunday school is in a very flourishing condition and new scholars are added right along. The school is under the able superintendency of J.H. Reninger and Horace Weaver.