George H. Felix was in Pottsville.
Harry Binkley, of Phila. is visiting friends in Reading.
Daniel Miller left for Harrisburg as a representative to the Reformed synod.
Frank P. Lauer, of the Reading brewing company, will sail from Europe for home on Monday, Nov. 2d.
H.M. Brownback, district attorney of Montgomery county, is in Reading.
James R. Mercer and family spent Sunday in Lancaster county.
Misses Katie Roth and Annie Eisenhart are visiting friends at Norristown.
Bishop Howe will return from his summer residence, at Bristol, R.I., to this city toward the close of this week.
Miss Stella Gresh, of Lititz, who fro the past 2 weeks has been visiting her friend, Miss Orpha Buckwalter, 414 Washington st., returned home.
Mrs. ?.M. Grill and daughters Catharine and Mamie, of Lancaster ave., are visiting friends at Lebanon.
Wm. Lester Fox, 115 North 9th st., visited Pottsville.
Mrs. Larkin, 1039 Elm st., left on a three month trip to Savannah, GA., She will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H.J. ???.
Charles Keiser, confined to his room by illness, is about again.
Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph H. Whitesell and daughter, Miss Stella Hollowbush, of Pottstown, are guests of Mrs. Chas. A Rowe, 514 South 5th st.
Judge Endlich has gone to Chambersburg to remain until Saturday evening.
Mrs. M.E. Manderbach Phila., is in Readings, stopping with the family of E. F. Keever.
Deputy Sheriff, Wm. S. Seidel went to Lewisburg on official business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millholland and daughter of Altoona, are guests of Mrs. J.L. Stichter and daughter, 205 North 6th. Mr. Millholland is a son of the late James Millholland, of this city, and is holding a responsible position at the Penn'a railroad shops at that place.
Abner Keiser, wife and son Clarence, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Keiser, 759 Penn st. Mr. Keiser is a very successful business man of Pottsville. He conducts a large carpet store and is also interested in building operations.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Goodman, recently married, returned from their wedding trip, and are "at home" to their friends at their residence, 16 South 2d st.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefevre of Phila., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nein, Mineral Spring road.
M.L. Arnold, proprietor of the Mansion house, Carlisle, brother of Wm. A. Arnold, was in Reading.
F.L. Froment, of New York, and Henry M. Brownback of Norristown registered at the Mansion House.
Mrs. B.H. Miller, of Mahanoy City, visited friends here and left for her former home at Mohnsville.
Mrs. Lafayette Fritch, of Tamaqua is visiting Rev. L.K. Derr and family at Zion's Reformed parsonage.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:36 PST