Clippings from the Reading Eagle, October 24, 1941

Berks County Soldiers Depart for Training. New Cumberland Reception Center

Eighty-three U. S. Army selectees from Reading and Berks county have been assigned to permanent post from the New Cumberland Reception Center as announced by Lieut. Col. Joseph A. Sheridan, commanding officer of the center. Seventy-four of the recently inducted selectees were sent to the Signal Corps Replacement Training Center at Fort Monmouth, N.J. Men from Reading who were in the contingent thus assigned were:

Morrie Burychks, 506 S. 7th St.
Keiran E. Holland, 308 Pine St.
Benjamin Nardo, 234 Fraklin St.
Elmer A. Pendel, 225 Rose St.
Paul P. Piergrossie, 334 S. 3d St.
Thaddeus B. Okonski, 312 S. 10th St.
Gerald W. Pickel, 131 Rose St.
Vincent J. Roslin, 434 Morgantown Rd.
Chester L. Ruchlewicz 853 Muhlenberg St.
Louis Skurski, 328 S. 10th St.
Joseph F. Slegowski, 227 S. 6th St.
John L. Tandlmayer, 109 Buttonwood St.
Stratton J. Athas, 345 N. 9th St.
James L. Arnold, 1209 Robeson St.
Robert E. Bard, 1001 N. 11th St.
Franklin J. Beam, 409 Cedar St.
Russell R. Bingaman, 1041 N. 9th St.
Charels H. Boas, 1560 Cotton St.
Robert C. Bortz, 608 Franklin St.
Donald Boyer, 1323 Birch St.
Carl V. Briccker, 127 S. 8th St.
Curtis R. Brown, 454 Birtch St.
John P. Burasz, 514 Wunder St.
Robert J. Buttery, 852 N. 12th St.
William S. Clawges, 724 Locust St.
Thmas L. Crader, 538 N. 11th St.
Leonard A. Carvelli, 1528 N. 9th St.
Robert D. DeLong, 48 N. 11th St.
Robert R. Eberhart, 738 Mulberry St.
Donald E. Emig, 1515 N. 15th St.
Frank J. Ferragame, 872 N. 8th St.
Arthur L. Frederick, 1439 N. 10th St.
Raymond A. Gardecki, 113 Chestnut St.
John H. Grauf, 254 S. 9th St.
Richard A. Hagen, 823 Thorn St.
Mervin Hinkle, 539 N. 9th St.
Ammon D. Hughes, 112 Church St.
Francis G. Kochert, 233 Rummels Court
Russell K.R. Cunnius, 1038 Windson St.
Anthony P. DiBlasi, 907 Franklin St.
Forrest W. Ecks, 614 N. 13th St.
Chrlile J. Esterly, 325 N. 9th St.
Frank A. James, 934 N. 4th St.
Samuel B. Frutchter, 908 Locust St.
Stanley J. Godek, 542 Maple St.
Allen D. Hefer, Jr., 747 N. 10th St.
John D. Hirschman 19 S. 10th St.
Bruce J. Homan, 335 N. 12th St.
Joseph M. Jakobezyk, 565 S. 18th St.
Paul L. Leister, 1423 Church St.
John C. Majka, 1152 Spruce St.
LeRoy Mest, 1502 N. 10th St.
Earl W. Miller, 327 N. 8th St.
Herman J. Miller, 926 Church St.
Russell J. Noll, 1062 N. 10th St.
Valentiine Parenti, 868 N. 8th St.
Bernard F. Patton, 1118 Spruce St.
Carl H. Quinter, 710 N. 10th St.
Joseph A. Reed Jr., 45 S. 8th St.
Robert I. Shoemaker, 1550 N. 10th St.
Eugene C. Smith, 521 S. 14th St.
Paul A. Spacht, 1520 Mulberry St.
Steve Stoyko, 1252 Spring St.
Harvey E. Sweimier, 1331 Cotton St.
Stephen S. Szaj, 429 Maple St.
Kermit Trout, 1627 Cotton St.
Lamar J. Whiet, 535 Locust St.
Peter P. Xinos, 1040 Elm St.

Those from the county were Franklin W. Baus and Howard D. Fegly both from Boyerstown: John W. Geist and Melvin Sanders both from Mertztown and nicholas Memmo from Temple. Nine selectees were sent to the engineer replacement center at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. They were Forest E. Burkett, 906 Chestnut St.; Joseph S. Gwiazozienski, 236 Chapel Terrace; Richard R. Littlehales, 715 Weiser St.; Harold Englehart, 266 Bern St.; Frank Holdiek of Douglasville, R.D. 1; Edgar W. Musser Jr. of Birdsboro; David W. Mabry, of Mettztown; Melvin H. Schaeffer of Boyerstown and Arthur C. Bernet of Douglasville.

Albright Star to Return With Navy Dive Bomber for Navy Day Observance

Paul Petrucka former Albright football, basketball and track star will fly to Reading on Monday with a squadron of Navy dive bombers in observance of Navy Day. Petrucka who received his pilot's license in the first civilian pilot training program here in 1939 was graduated from Albright last June. He enlisted in the Navy several weeks ago and is now receiving preliminary training at Philadelphia prior to going to Jacksonville, Florida. The squadron will arrive here at 11 a.m. and remain until 3 p.m. Petrucka will be a quest at the college.

Yocum's Church to Hold Rally Day Exercises. Grill, Pa. Oct. 1941

Rally Day will be observed by Yocum's Union Sunday School on Sunday at 9:15 a.m. The program will include a talk by Rev. John A. Kaercher of the Yocum's Redeemer Charge, vocal solos by Charles Drey, piano duet by Larrie Ann Dietrich and Elizabeth Roberts, selections by an instrumental trio, piano Mrs. Elwyn Hummel, violin Leroy Conrad, cello, John Dietrich.

The young peoples Bible Class of the school will sponsor a hymn sing Sunday, November 9, at 7:30 p.m. The speaker of the evening will be Richard W. Moll, assistant superintendent of schools of Berks County. A brass quartet under the direction of Andrew Fisher will present special music.

West Reading Church to Hold Supper

The Brotherhood of St James Reformed Church of West Reading will serve a beef supper on Saturday afternoon and evening in the social rooms of the church. Members of the committee in charge include; E.E. Hepner, Robert Beck, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ziegler, Charles Wolf, Winfred Brunner, the Rev. J.B. Landis, Ronald Tyson, Earl Neidig, John Stoudt, Eric Fegley, John Saner, Lee Fegley, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Gerhart, Ira Reeser, John H.M. Royer, Alvin Griffith, R.W.D Schell, George Hain, John Latshaw, John Miller, Walter Bortz, David Rhine, John Noll, Nerman Reeser, Mrs. R.W.D. Schell and Mrs. J.H.M. Boyer.

Attorney Marco Returns From Army Service

Judge Forrest R. Shanaman appointed Peter J. Marco, attorney master in the divorce proceedings of Lily Calhoun against Gordon Calhoun. Attorney Marco returned from Camp Wheeler, Georgia where he was honorably discharged from the United States Service because he is over 28 years of age. Marco has an office at 34 N. 6th Street with R.G. Bushong & John E. Ruth who attended his business during his absence.

Berks County Christian Endeavor Convention

Arch McGuilkin, member of the state Christian Endeavor Board, will address tonight's session of the Berks County Christian Endeavor Union in Christ Evangelical Church. The convention opened last night with an address by Dr. Charles Hussey, of Philadelphia, pastor advisor of the state union. It will close tomorrow evening with the installation of officers and an address by Bert Shaw, president of the state union. Approximately 100 Berks County members attended yesterday's session. Kathryn Seifarth was chairman of the service and the Rev. Ralph Kresge, the host pastor, asked the invocation. Entertainment was provided by Ruth Kriebel, trombone soloist, and Mr. & Mrs. Leon Van Liew, vocalist. The Rev. Byron Sheetz, pastor advisor of the organization, pronounced the benediction.

Reading Kiwanis Will Hear C. Emerson Brown. Former Zoo Director to Speak Next Wednesday.

C. Emerson Brown, former director of the Philadelphia Zoological Garden will address the Reading Kiwanis Club at a luncheon meeting in the Berkshire Hotel next Wednesday. His subject will be "Wild Animals In and Out of the Zoo." Dr. Robert M. Alexander will be chairman.

Brown, who is the author of several books is also an artist and has exhibited his work in the Boston Art Club, The Copely Society and other galleries. For six years he was chairman of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums. He holds many other offices and is considered a leading authority on wild animals. Brown has studied wild life in it's native habitat and assumed responsibility for it's well being under captivity. For many years he was chief taxidermist and collector for the Boston Society of Natural History.

Berks Police Lodge Elects New Officers

The Fraternal Order of Police, Berks County Lodge #71, last night elected Paul Klienspehn, a county detective, its president. Other officers are: VP, Joseph Lyons, Pennsylvania Motor Police; Secretary, Paul J. Gernert, county prison warden; Treasurer, Paul Orth of Wyomissing Hills; Financial Secretary, Evan Stoudt; Assistant Financial Secretary, Stanton Bast, Pennsylvania Motor Police; Conductor, Charles Savage of West Reading; Guard, Herbert Berger, of West Lawn; Chaplin, Lloyd Wenrich of Bernsville; Trustees, R.A. Sieger, Raymond Miller, Robert Burns of the State Liquor Control Board.

Submitted by: Harrison

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:36 PST

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