Clippings from the Reading Eagle, October 5?, 1899


The funeral of Fayette WAGNER took place at Welker's Church. Bearers were Oscar J. STOLTZ, George ARTZ, Aaron PEIFFER, and Jefferson L. MOORE. The remains rested in a fine walnut casket, with heavy silver mounting. On the lid was a plate inscribed "Our Mother". Her age was 48 years, 11 months and 25 days.

Some unknown person tried to gain entrance through Wilson A. KLOPP's cellar door. The thief was heard by Miss POTTEIGER, who awoke Mr. and Mrs. KLOPP, and the burglar ran through the fields as fast as he could run.

Gereon DEISHER, Francis P. MORGAN and wife were in Reading.

Gereon DEISHER and Milton I. SCHOLL were at Mr. DEISHER's farm at Lickdale, Lebanon county, and brought back a load of apples.

A marriage license was granted to William BOYER and Cora LOY, both of this place.

Wilson A. KLOPP bought the farm of George B. SCHAEFFER, at Rehersburg, containing 120 acres, for $42.05 an acre.

Death of Edward ALTHOUSE

Shoemakersville: Edward, aged 18 years, son of Franklin Althouse, died Tuesday evening, of consumption. He had been complaining for some time. He was a member of the Althouse band. He was employed by his father as a painter. Deceased is survived by his parents, two brothers, Charles and Solomon, and three sisters, Mrs. Charles MACKAMER, and MIsses Ella and Minnie ALTHOUSE.

Surprise Party

A surprise party was held in honor of Lewis SCHMEHL. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Henry KULP, Leiz's Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. UNGER, Leinbach's; Mr. and Mrs. Adam SCHMEHL, Phila.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LUTZ, Leiz's Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. George SCHMEHL, Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Walter STUMP, Cacoosing; Mr. amd Mrs. Wm. MENGEL Jr., Leinbach's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank NOECKER, Leesport; Mr. and Mrs. George WAYNE, Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas NOECKER, Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel SCHMEHL, Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Simeon BECKER, Temple; Mr. and Mrs. John GROMIS, Leinbach's; Mr. and Mrs. Wm MENGLE, Leinbach's; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob TOBIAS, Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. Amandon DUNDORE, Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. Harry HEISTER, West Leesport; Mrs. Levi G. STUMP and daughter Laura, of Reading; Misses Annie MCKEATLY, Mary SMITH, Florence STUMP, Minnie SCHMEHL, Martha WAYNE, Mamie WAYNE, Mabel NOECKER, Emily NOECKER, Mamie NOECKER, Minerva DEITRICH, Katie GROMIS, Mary SCHMEHL, Minnie LUTZ, Clayton UNGER, Wm. UNGER, Wm. SCHMEHL, Paul STUMP, Wayne STUMP, Raymond Benj. MENGLE, Clarence NOECKER, Wm. NOECKER, and Harvey NOECKER.

Cacoosing Apple Paring Party

An apple paring party was held at the residence of Aug. STRICKER. Following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Aug. STRICKER and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Levi G. STUMP and daughter Laura, and sons Herbert and Harvey. William SHEIDY, Harry SHEIDY, James SHEIDY, Harry MOYER, Irvin BECKER and Rosa MACHMER

Miss Vallie BRIGGLE visited her parents in Reading.

Herbert STUMP attended the birthday party of James BURKEY at Lorah.

Jas. STUMP attended the Kutztown fair.

Shellbarks and chestnuts are plenty in this vicinity.

Oak Hill Sunday school will hold rally day on Sunday in the afternoon and evening.

A sociable will be held at the Cacoosing Hotel on Saturday evening, Nov. 4.

Miss Katie HIMMELBERGER was the guest of Miss Laura STUMP.

Mrs. William KAUFFMAN of Reading, visited Mrs. Levi G. STUMP.

Charles BICKEL living with Reuben BLATT, was severely kicked by a horse.

Submitted by Michele.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:36 PST

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