Mrs. John Bombelack, 25 years old, who has been married 12 years, gave birth to twins, her fourth double.
Nearly 250 of the 400 girls employed in the Duplin Silk mill, Hazleton, struck because of a reduction of wages. They marched around the mill, shouting and carrying flags and a portrait of John Mitchell.
John Coogan, of Shenandoah, aged 20 years, and a driver at Turkey Run colliery. Water on the knee.
Enos Ouches, of Shenandoah, aged 32 years, and a miner at Turkey Run. Right forearm fractured by fall of coal.
Augustus Roads, of Shamokin, aged 15 years and a laborer about the mines. Acute appendicitis.
William Chevinski, of Shermantown, aged 45 years, and a miner at William Penn colliery. Fracture of the right arm.
Celia Cook, Eliza Lindermuth and Rose Mulhearn, of Hazleton, were held under $300 bail by Squire H.B. McCool on a charge of larceny, preferred by Adam Rausch, the saloonkeeper.
Sarah M. Umholtz to John Keasling and William Reigle, for premises in Tower City.
John E. Lauer, executor of Elizabeth Hollinger, to David J. Brennan, lot in Coaldale.
Christian Eberle and Wilhelmina Eberle to Rosa Heblich, premises in Girardville.
J.F. Winkle and Elizabeth Corrigan, both of Ellengowan.
Michael Marcingo and Mary Szirko, both of Heckscherville.
John O'Hara and Mary Farrell, both of Ashland.
A marriage license was issued here to Harry Matterness, of Annville, and Miss Blanche Euston, daughter of Chas. Euston, of Buffalo, N.Y., formerly of this city.
Former Alderman and Mrs. Edwin H. Faust, of 335 North 11th St., have sent out cards of invitation for the marriage of their youngest daughter, Miss Shelia E. to Lee E. Arnold of Donora, Pa. at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 28, in St. Mary's Catholic Church. Rev. Father Christ will perform the ceremony.
Stephen Reddinger, of Pleasant Hill slaughtered 2 hogs that weighed when dressed 490 and 560 pounds, respectively. Elias Meyer and Henry Heagy were the butchers.
Local post office officials and P. & R. Railroad authorities are investigating the strange disappearance of a mail bag--lost, strayed, or stolen, but apparently stolen. Mail matter was found scattered along the tracks for more than a square.
The Swatara was almost frozen from shore to shore at Jonestown this morning. The boys were noticed skating along the shores of the stream.
Two deeds were filed in Recorder Illig's office for record, given by Robert H. Coleman, as trustee of Annie C. Rogers, to Annie C. Rogers. The instruments re-convey to Mrs. Rogers the property deeded by her in 1879 to Mr. Coleman in trust, except the several properties sold by him as trustee in the interim.
The Reading Cannstatter elected: President, William Koch; vice-president, Paul Koch; financial secreaty, John Kleinspehn; recording secreatary, Oliver Deysher; treasurer, Rheinhard Rieger; trustees, Samuel Welsh, Cleon Bechtel and George Haber.
H.H. Brownmiller, a veteran of the Civil War, Co. L, 1st Pa. Cav., recruited at Reading, will attend the reunion of the 151st Regiment, P.V., to be held at Wernersville, Thanksgiving Day.
The Orwigsburg Band will render in Arcadian Hall, a fine musical Thanksgiving programme at 1:30 p.m. next Thursday, W.H. Edwards, director.
The first of the series of entertainments for the winter season of the Alpha Circle of Elks will be given Friday evening, Nov. 27, in Arcadia Hall. The president, Geo. C. Diefenderfer, assisted by the committee, prepared the following programme: Overture, Edwards Orchestra; vocal quartette, male voices; piano duet, Misses Florence Shoener and Margaret Diefenderfer; vocal solo, Miss Nellie Zulich; quartette, "The Bill of Fare," male voices; selection, orchestra; address, topic, "The Fortunate Island, Quest and Discovery." Rev. J.T. Satchell, D.D. of Pottsville, selection orchestra.
E. Ray Linder attended to business in New York city several days. --Mrs. C.P. Sweeney, of Darby, visited friends in town. --Mrs. Emma Beck had her residence re-painted on Centre square. --B. R. Kepner is re-painting his business property on Centre square. Jno. Miller is doing the work. --Jno. S. Zulick, of the firm of J.S. Zulick & Co., shoe manufacturers, has gone to Virginia for a week's hunt for game. --Burd R. Linder, postmaster here lost a valuable setter dog by death. --Letters are in the Orwigsburg post office for Sherman Reed, Luther R. Seacrist, George Sterlin, George Smith, and Miss Emma Gerber. --The Orwigsburg Band will give a dance, Thanksgiving evening, in Arcadia Hall from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Thoret, of New York city, is visiting her sister, Mrs. David Samuel, who is sick at her home on Centre square. --Mrs. Edward Shoener, who visited friends in New York city, has returned home. --Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. Ketner quit housekeeping and are boarding. The residence portion of the First National Bank building, where they lived, will be occupied by Rev. John Gruhler and family. A music and 10-cent variety store will shortly be opened in Dr. Dechert's storeroom. --Real Estate Agent, H.H. Brownmiller will sell the Rising Sun Hotel property.
Miss Bessie Hoch and Lawrence Root of Phila., were married on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 19, by Rev. S.W. Smith, formerly pastor of the Methodist Church here. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller, of town attended the wedding.
On Tuesday evening, Dec. 1, Rev. I.H. Albright, Ph. D. of Annville, will deliver a lecture in the U.B. Church, here. Subject, "Old United Brethren Landmarks." It is an illustrated lecture and Rev. Albright has spent many years in gathering the material for the lectures. --Mrs. A.E. Hangen is visiting relatives in Lehighton. --Opening Day was observed at the Globe Novelty Store on Friday. --Dr. J.M. Walborn, of Tremons, has opened an office at Mrs. Theil's home. --The second entertainment of the Star Course, under the auspices of the Pinegrove Free Reading Room, will be given this eveninng in Trinity Chapel by Ross Crane, the cartoonist, humorist, and monologist. --Alfred Bowen and wife, of Perkasie, visited friends in town. --Mrs. Isaac Reichert, of Light Street, Columbia county, visiting relatives here, returned home. --Eggs are selling here at 30 cents a dozen. --Mrs. James Loser, of Tamaqua, visited her parents here, Col. and Mrs. J.P. Earnest. --Mrs. P.L. Filbert is visiting relatives in Andreas. --Miss Annie Boyer returned from a visit to friends in Phila. --Mrs. M.M. Diffenbach and daughter, Miss Clara, of Pottsville, visited friends in town. --Miss Mary C. Casper of New Berlin, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kohler, at the Reformed parsonage. --Mrs. Samuel Moyer reutrned to her home in Reading, accompanied by her sister, Miss Sue Moyer. --Thomas Dress, employed by the Swatara Wood Working Co., is suffering with a sore eye. --Mr. and Mrs. John Allwein, of Lebanon, visited relatives in town.
Angry because the foreman, disputed extra time, which he claimed, a miner at Morea Colliery refused to do a certain work on Friday and was discharged. Four others quit out of sympathy, and soon the entire force was called out by the local. The company has agreed to take back the men and allow the claim if it can be substantiated. The foreman, however, avers that the claim is unjust, and the end is not yet. This is one of the few collieries not affected by the suspensions of the Reading and Lehigh Valley Coal Companies.
In St. Canicus' Church, John P. McLain and Miss Kate Hyland, both of Park Place, were married by Rev. Father McEnroe.
In an exciting runaway down Pottsville hill, John Steiff, a 17 year-old driver, was thrown from Reidinger's bakery wagon and very severely hurt. Several companions, who were with him, escaped unhurt.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lauer, corner of 9th and Market streets, was the scene of a pretty wedding when their son Albert P., and Miss Ida Williams, of Mt. Carmel, were married. Rev. I.M. Schaeffer, pastor of Zion's Reformed church, was the officiating clergyman. The young couple were attended by Charles Williams, the bride's brother, and Miss Helena Lauer, sister of the groom.
The borough of Gordon is without a tax collector and indications are that there will be difficulty in securing one. C.C. Ready, the former tax collector, moved out of town and George B. Kaufman, who was elected to succeed him, refused to assume the duties of the office.
William Daubert, a well-known engineer, has been stricken with small-pox and removed to the emergency hospital. Mr. Daubert contracted the disease from a relative who is now at the hospital.
Arm Fractured. Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kehm, fell down stairs and fractured an arm. --Mrs. L.S. Shimer, of Shimersville was the guest of Mrs. I.B. Ritter. --Miss Laura Tool, of South Bethlehem, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Biery. --Rev. I.B. Ritter visite[d] his brother-in-law, Rev. O.E. Pflueger, at Womelsdorf. --E.H.Hamman will move his cigar factory from Railroad street to South Third street. --Mrs. Anna Tucker and son spent several days with relatives and friends in Phila. --Abel Schwavely is building a double kitchen to his dwelling. Oliver Hinkle is the contractor. --Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Yost and son, Harold, of Quakertown, were guests of Victor Hauser and family. --John Snyder, an employee at the pipe foundry has a sore foot, which was severely burned by molten iron running into his shoe. --Elmer Stoudt, of Allentown, who is employed at the foundry, moved to town. --Mr. and Mrs. George Weidner visited relatives at Zionsville. --Herman Haberstumpf and family entertained relatives from Bethlehem. --Charles Benner is confined to the house suffering with an attack of typhoid fever. --Mrs. John S. Weidner, of Phila., spent several days with George Weidner and family.
Victor Brotzman, who was staying with John Ackerman during the summer, entered the employ of William Wendling. --Mrs. Ellen Hellman, of the Central House, Emaus, and Mrs. Jane Nicholas, of Allentown, visited friends in Reading. --The third quarterly conference will be held in St. Matthews U.E. Church on Sunday, November 22, by Rev. J.H. Shirey, of Allentown, presiding elder. --E.B. Rahn, of Perkomenville, who purchased J.P. Shive's bakery, moved to town and took charge of the business. Allen Knappenberger moved to Allentown. --Misses Irene Wieand and Mamie Smith visited the former's brother, Walter Wieand, who is a student at the University of Penn'a., Phila.
A husking bee was held at the residence of Benjamin Sheidy. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sheidy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bohn, Mr. Howard Troutman, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dunkelberger, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Becker, Mr. and Mrs. William Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lengel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson, Misses Deborah Wayne, Katie Roth, Annie Wayne, Lizzie Harber, Alice Lengel, Annie Himmelberger, Lillie Lengel, Carrie DeLong, Nevada Lutz, Ida Lutz, Lizzie Dunkelberger, Eva Wagner, Annie Dunkelberger, Annie Clouser, Clara Leinbach, Lizzie Leinbach, Clara Werley, Emma Shade, Sallie Roth, Elba Rick, Ella Wayne, Stella Becker, Clara Troutman, Katie Sheidy, Stella Sheidy, Grace Sheidy, Luella Kramer, Annie Steffy, Rosa Shalter, Edwin Heister, Thomas Boone, Harry Reifschneider, Jas. Reifsneider, Lester Moyer, Calvin Lando, Calvin Bender, Mabry Bender, Thomas Leinbach, Milton Potteiger, James Balthaser, Howard Noecker, Benjamin Noecker, Milton Noecker, Wm. Moser, Morris Steffy, Edwin Mengel, Frank Moyer, Frank DeLong, William McAllister, Henry Seaman, Edwin Albright, Morris Himmelberger, Charles Himmelberger, John Moyer, James Himmelberger, Cyrus Fritz, Howard Yoder, Joseph Boyer, Henry Himmelberger, Frank Wagner, Oscar Endy; John DeLong, Mahlon Blatt, Willie Troutman, Herbert Long, Charles Long, Oscar Ernst, John Faust, Jacob Stoudt, Daniel Wayne, John Kramer, Llewellyn Sheidy, Edwin Trump, William Spayd, William Kissling, Solomon Kerns, Harry Bear, Robert Snyder, Harry Hartman, Ambrose Davis, Milton Strause, Abraham Bear, Harvey Stump, William Bohn, Frank Shrack, Samuel Wayne, John Endy, Howard Haas, Jacob Rahn, George Parvin, Thos. Snyder, Ira Sassaman, Charles Williams, Isaac Bowman, James Sheidy, George Fisher, Charles Schaffer, Charles Bickel, John Albright, George Yoder, Lloyd Christ, John Zechman, John Fisher, Charles Becker, Samuel Kreitz, Frank Sheidy, Calvin Sheidy and others. 144 shocks of corn were husked in 3/4 of an hour. Refreshments were served. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Himmelberger's orchestra furnished music.
Henry Himmelberger bought a fine driving horse from a Reading party. --Benjamin Sheidy sold 2 cows to James Becker. --Mr. and Mrs. John Sheidy called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kramer and family. --Moses [S]eaman, who took sick at his sister's house, was taken home in a spring wagon.
The following called on Benjamin Sheidy and family: Mrs. and Mrs. Jos. Sheidy and daughter, Esther, of Hain's Church; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Sheidy and daughters, Eva and Carrie, of Lorah, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sheidy and daughters, Mary and Emma of Bernville. --John Hoover is still in a critical condition. --Rev. Dr. E.S. Brownmiller will conduct services in Bern Church on Sunday afternoon, when Blind Fogel will be present and give several selections on the organ.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:36 PST