Clippings from the Reading Eagle, November 3, 1899

Farewell Services

Rev. Ira E. ALBERT and wife, missionaries of the United Brethren Church, to the west coast of Africa, will deliver farewell addresses in the U.P.C.U. Memorial United Brethren Church, Buttonwood and McKnight, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. ALBERT were consecrated missionaries at the Eastern annual conference, held at Myerstown, October. They, in company with Bishop KEPHART, D. D. and other missionaries expect to sail for the dark continent November 15.

Locomotive Blew UP - Two Killed, One Injured

Towanda, PA: Two men were instantly killed and another fatally injured by the explosion of a Lehigh Valley Railroad locomotive running mere Wyalusing, a short distance from here. The dead are: Fireman Eugene DEEGAN, Brakeman Warren ROBINSON. The injured man is Engineer Daniel GEORGIA. The locomotive was rented by the Lehigh Valley Company. It was blown to pieces. Traffic was blocked for five hours.

Deaths Out of Town

Elias RESH, at Coplay, aged 81 years leaving four children.

Miss Annie KEELEY, at Birchrunville, Chester Co., aged 30 years.

Mrs. Harriet GRIFFITH, at Birchrunville, aged 78 years, leaving two sons. Deceased was well known and highly respected.

Mrs. Owen FITZPATRICK, at Bridgeport after a lingering illness. Deceased is survived by her husband and several children.

Austin ALLEN, a young child of Berkleigh and Bertha CONLEY, at Gulf Mills, Montgomery Co.

Joseph WHY, a former resident of Germantown, at Pasadena, CA aged 78 years.

Patrick J. HOLLAND, at Chester after a short illness. Deceased was a well know citizen.

Mrs. Sarah LAVER, at Conshohocken, aged 62 years.

Mrs. Jane EICHLIN, at Easton, after a lingering illness leaving six children.

Elias HOFFMAN, at Eastmont, York Co., aged 86 years.

Miss Anna K. TROAST, at Lancaster, aged 49 years.

Jacob ERISMAN, at Lancaster, aged 82 years, leaving his widow and four children. Deceased was for a number of years in the clothing business. In 1879, he was appointed court tipstave and served up to a short time ago. Deceased was a member of the First Methodist Church, and one of the oldest members of Lancaster Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. F.

Bartholemew O'BRIEN, at West Chester, at an advanced age, leaving three daughters.

Joseph WOODRING, near Hazelton, aged 78 years, leaving his widow and seven children and 30 grandchildren.

Robert W. MULL, at Morrisville, Bucks Co., aged 73 years. Deceased was for many years postmaster and justice of the peace. He served one term as county auditor and was prominent in secret society circles.

Allison Roane WHITE, a former resident of Eddington, Bucks Co., aged 46 years, at Westside, CA.

George RUNK, at Harrisburg, aged 74 years. Deceased is survived by his widow and two sons.

John ZUDRELL, an aged and well know German resident of Harrisburg.

Charles P. GOODMAN, a well know Phila. auctioneer, while crying sales.

Alexander McCLENAGHAN, a prominent insurance agent and formerly machine forman at NIXON's Flat Rock Paper Mills, Manayunk, suddenly at Roxborough, aged 34 years.

Mrs. Mary Ann CLEMENS, one of the oldest women in Chester Co., at Phoenixville, aged 95 years. The cause of death was paralysis. Deceased is survived by a family of adult children, many grand and great-grandchildren.

Harry C. PETERS, a baggagemaster on the Northern Central Railroad, died suddenly yesterday at his home in Harrisburg, of apoplexy.

While at the table with his family eating dinner, John SAINT BONNETT, of Stroudsburg, fell off his chair and died.

Submitted by Michele.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:34 PST

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