Clippings from the Reading Eagle, November 1, 1899


Nicholas HENNINGER, of Trexlertown, was in town. Miss Kate KALBACH, manager of the millinery store in the Hoover building reports her business very good. Wilson M. RAHN, of Moselem Springs; Oscar LUCKENBILL of Leesport; M.B. SECHLER of Drehersville; Edward DAVIS of Berkley, were in town. Ex-Sheriff George B. SCHAEFFER made a business trip to Lancaster. A.B. SCHAEFFER will arrive home on Thursday evening, Nov. 2 with a carload of Kentucky horse and mule colts. Unclaimed letters are in the Fleetwood post office for Miss Sarah FOX, Miss Harriet VOGEL, Miss Lizzie WOLF, Caroline WAHL, Miss Mary HEFFNER, J.E. FINN, Dr. J.W. FRANKHOUSER, P.A. MAHON, Jeremiah SCHAEFFER, Leon WOLF, Charles DEISHER, Dr. F.B. DAVISON, Henry GARRETT, Rev. Lissie F.O. WILLIAMS.


A large attendance greeted the Welsh combination in its presentation of Ten Nights in a Barroom in the auditorium on Tuesday evening. The performance was a great disappointment, the acting being far below the standard and the scenery hardly in keeping with the requirement.

The rain and mud did not interfere with the plans of Birdsboro sportsmen and they turned out in large numbers to inaugurate the rabbit season.

The Birdsboro football eleven will make a great effort to win in the game with Royersford on Saturday. The following line-up has been decided upon: KISSINGER, center; FRY right guard; HENRY left guard; ROTZ, right tackle; KERST, left tackle; RHOADS, right end; HENRY, left end; LLOYD, right half back; ALBRIGHT, left half back; BURKE, quarter back, GREEN, full back.

John MAST, suffering from a fall from a bicycle for more than a year, is now able to go to work and has secured a position with the Light Cycle Co. of Pottstown.

Samuel HERSHER, teamster for Harry KOCH, drove against the hitching post of Harbold's saddlery and tore it from its position. Damage to the building was narrowly averted.

Charles WATTS has been given the contract to furnish stone for the new building of the Birdsboro Shoe Company.

Isaac KULP, barber, had a new sign erected in front of his establishment. Coach painter REA exectuted it.

Uncle Tom's Cabin Company is billed to perform in the Auditorium on Thursday evening Nov. 2.


Reuben WICKLEIN, contractor and W.H. HOFFMAN, carpenter, are erecting a 1-story frame kitchen for Frank HELLER, iron worker, on the south side of the old building which is built of stone.

The public sale of Mrs. Mary WILY's household goods was well attended. W.H. HOFFMAN, auctioneer. L.M. CRAMP, clerk.

The Home Literary Society met at H.K. WININGS, with Mrs. WININGS, president, in the chair. After singing "Pass Me Not Gentle Saviour" B.W. KERST read Psalm 8, and offered prayer. Mrs. H.K. WININGS taught the Sunday school lesson, "Nehemiah's Prayer" Singing "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" The exercises were concluded by singing "Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing" The society will meet at the same place next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.

Miss M. Louisa SEIDEL and Miss Blanche SEIDEL are spending a few weeks in Phila - Miss Alberta SEIDEL is visiting at Williamsport - Misses Lizzie and Linda PHILLIPS and Walter KLINE, of Reading, visited the families of Elijah BROWN and Henry ALBERTS - John B. WININGS and Tilden B. BORDNER spent Saturday and Sunday in Reading - Annie BLOCH spent last week with her parents at Millmont - Mrs. J. J. ESCHELMAN, son George Dewey, and Annie BLOCH, visited her mother at Beckersville - Josiah BROWN, farmer finished husking corn Monday, the first to finish in this section - Nelson FRY has rented the Benjamin CLOUSER farm for one year from April next.


The Guests

West Windsor: Rev. Harry C. Kline of Hamburg, married William M. SNYDER and Miss Sallie M. BAER. The groom is a son of Joel and Thempson SNYDER, farmer and trucker, near Shoemakersville, and is employed in the Reading car shops. The bride is the youngest daughter of David and Sarah BAER, a prominent farmer of Perry. The attendants were Charles F. BALTHASER, a student at the Normal School in Kutztown, and Miss Salena R. HECKMAN of Perry. the bride was dressed in white and the bridesmaid in pink. Mrs. KLINE played the wedding march. The following were present: Rev. and Mrs. KLINE; Sarah BAER, mother of the bride; Joel and Thempson SNYDER, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. James ROTHERMEL; Charles BALTHASER; Miss Salena R. HECKMAN; Jas. ROTHERMEL, Jr.; Miss Katie MOYER; Mrs. Carrie BAER and son, Walter; Miss Katie ROTHERMEL; Mr. and Mrs. Simon MENGEL; Mr. and Mrs.Geo. E. HEPNER; Milton A. and Mahlon I HEPNER; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. NOLL; Charles and Edwin NOLL; Mr. and Mrs. Benj. M. BAER; Benj. F. M. SCHAPPELL; Mr. and Mrs. FRANK A. BAER; Van Buren BAER; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. MILLER; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood S. MERKEL; Floyd and Etna MERKEL; Miss Betsey KERSHNER, Mrs. Jeremiah KERSHNER, Nevin J. BAER; Owen DRIES; Joel KERSHNER; Miss Mary KERSHNER; Miss Carrie BALTHASER; Miss Minnie V. SMITH; Miss Lillie L. ROTHERMEL; Mrs. William OHLINGER; Miss Bertha O. HEFFNER; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. BOYER; Miss Essie A. BOYER; Miss Birda A. KERSHNER; Mrs. I. G. BECKER; Mrs. Solomon R. HOLLENBACH; Miss Mary RUBRIGHT; Mrs. Wilson HOFFMAN; Ray MILLER; Irvin P. SNYDER of Allentown; Miss Sallie DELONG of Monterey; and James MARKS of Leesport.

Submitted by Michele.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:34 PST

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