Upon arriving at Charles Evans cemetery the members of Camp Lieutenant John C. HINTZ, Veterans of the Hispanic-American war, decorated the graves of their comrades buried here. Lieut. HINTZ, Sergeants Charles SAVAGE, Martin MILL, Frank DETWEILER, J.W. LEINBACH, Philip WINTERS, Edward MILLER and Edward KOHLER.
An impressive prayer was offered by Chaplain Edward KELLER, and Sergeant REUTHER, commander of the post, read the honor roll of the dead.
The Owls visited Charles Evans cemetery at 11 a.m., when they decorated the graves of their deceased comrades-in-arms J. Hiester McKNIGHT, Captain Geo W. DURELL and H. C. JONES. Addresses were made by Comrades Frank M. COLEMAN, E.C. EBEN and Wm. EISENHOWER.
Another parade formed at 4th and Penn at 9 a.m. It was in charge of Keim Post, No. 76 G.A.R., and Meade Camp, No. 16, Sons of Veterans.
The parade was made up as follows:
Reuben SMINK, Horace D. BOONE
Captain C.S. BECKER
1st Lt. Wm. PRINTZ
2nd Lt Morris REIFF
Capt. Samuel DONAHOWER
1st Lt. George McLEAN
2nd LT. John KALBACH
Co. A, Boys' Brigade-Capt. Bert. WILSON, 1st LT. Samuel SMITH Co. E, Boys' Brigade- Capt. Harry G. JOHNSON, 1st LT. Calvin STUBER, 2nd LT. Brook CLOUSE Co. K Boys' Brigade Artillery-1st LT Samuel QUIMBY Keim Post-Reuben SMINK, Luther SEIDERN, Elijah KEEVER, Horace BOONE Carriage passangers:
Rev. T. Asher HESS, Comrade A, RITTER, S. A. BECHTEL, Comrade M.E. SCHEIBNER
At 8 o'clock the soldiers and sailors met at Harugari Hall and marched to St. Peter's school, then to 7th and Penn where they were joined by the Junior Veterans of the Regular Army under Capt. George KERSHNER. There was a color guard, composed of Fred. H. HOLTZSHOUSER, who was with Dewey on the Olympia during the battle of Manila; George J. BECHTEL, who was on the U.S. ship "Supply"; Samuel RESH, who was a member of the 16th Infantry, U.S.Regulars, and First Sergeant O'REGAN, of the 2d Infantry. Both of the latter helped in the storming of the heights of San Juan.
The following commitee was appointed to decorate the graves in the solders' plot:
Malina SANDS, Sarah MILLET, Sarah KAUFFMAN, Amelia KELLER, Lydia KILMER, Kate MOYER, Sallie MILMORE, Sarah MERGOT, Sarah NAGLE,Margaret PRICE, Catharine RUPP, Rebecca REIFSNYDER, Mary RAUSCH, Mary KUTZ, Emma RICHARDS, Deborah SHELLY, Sarah SHUNK, Ophelia STILL, Euphena SASSAMAN, Emma STOLTZ, Mary SHADE, Emma SEIDERS, Mary SEYFERT.
At the teachers' examination held here on May 29, by Supt. Rapp, these received certification: [note: original news clip not in list format] G.D. MOYER, Molltown W.R. DENGLER, Oley Oliver NAFTZINGER, Strausstown Isaac F. HIGH, Blandon A.V. KERSHNER, Virginsville E.J. LEIBENSPERGER, Monterey Samuel H. HOCH, Fleetwood Albert S. SARIG, Kutztown Harvey S. ROTHERMEL, Fleetwood Laura HUEY, Molltown So far this year Mr. Rapp granted 166 certificates. There will be held 9 more examinations.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:34 PST