Edwin Dobson, aged 24, of Exeter, was taken to the Harrisburg asylum by John C. Bradley, suffering from mental trouble brought on, it is alleged, by eexcessive cigarette smoking. He is said to have consumed as high as 40 a day. Dr. George Hetrich, B.M. Meredith and Z.T. Bishop were the commission appointed by the court to make the examination. [Source: Reading Eagle, Monday, May 30, 1898. Submitted by Nancy.]
Snyder-Henninger -- On May 28th at the Stouchsburg Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. A. Johnson Long, William A. Snyder to Miss Ella N. Henninger.
Zerbe-Zerbe -- On May 26th., at the Stouchsburg Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. A. Johnson Long, George J. Zerbe of Marion, to Miss Mary M. Zerbe of Jefferson.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:34 PST