Newspaper Clippings from the Reading Eagle, March 20, 1869


Crawley-Sharp--On the 8th inst., at Spring Brook, Luzerne county, Pa., by Rev. R.S. Rose, Mr. James Crawley, of Vermont, to Kate, daughter of Thomas Sharp, Esq., of Philadelphia.

By the Rev. V.G. Haag

Dunwittie-Watson--On Jan. 12th, George W. Dunwittie to Mary E. Watson, both of Newport, Bond county, Illinois.

By the Rev. Thomas T. Iaeger

Gruber-Hamsher--On February 20, George B. Gruber, of Perry, to Tilerah F. Hamsher of Windsor.

By the Rev. A.S. Leinbach

Marks-Althouse--On March 11th, Dr. W.F. Marks to Beckie Althouse, both of Leesport.

By the Rev. B.D. Zweitzig

Moser-Getz--On March 4th, George Moser to Sophia Getz, both of Reading.

By the Rev. L. Peters

Coleman-Weyman--On March 16th, William Coleman, of Trenton, N.J., to Margaret C. Weyman, of Reading, Pa.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:32 PST

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