Allentown, March 9--One of the most impressive wedding and funeral services that ever took place in this section attracted great attention here to-day. Miss Ursula V. Minnich and Charles T. Neall were married by the coffin side of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Daniel Troxell, at 10 a.m. The bride lived with her grandmother at 136 North 7th st. Some time ago Miss Minnich's wedding daywas set. When Mrs. Troxell was taken ill, she made a request thar if her sickness should prove fatal, the wedding should take place beside her dead body. Her request was granted. Her death took place March 4. The funeral took place to-day. Prior to the burial, Rev. T. J. Hacker, of the Reformed Church, married the couple, standing beside the burial casket. Subsequently, the funeral took place. Deceased's age was 70 years, 10 months and 11 days. Relatives, friends, Sisterhood and Sunday school of Zion's Reformed Church attended at 1 p.m. Short services before burial were held in Zion's Reformed Church. Interment in Union Cemetery.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:32 PST