Milton A. K. Bieber, of Friedensburg, son of Abraham and Mary Bieber, residing at 3391/2 North 11th, and Miss Katie C. K, Heffner, dressmaker, of Lyons, daughter of Henry and Catherine Heffner, were married at 8 p.m., last Saturday, y Rev. F. K. Huntzinger, at the home of the bride;s brother and the groom's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heffner, 334 North 11th. After the ceremony a reception was held. Among those present were: Hearry Heffner, Mrs. Thama Heffner and Miss Susan Welden, of Lyons; Mrs. Pierce Heffner, John Heffner, Willie Heffner and Miss Katie S. Heffner, of Seidersville; Abraham Bieber, Miss Ella A. K. Bieber and Mrs. Daniel Hering, of Friedenburg; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heffner, Harvey Heffner, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Barlet, Edith Barley, Mendon Barlet, Florence Barlet, Mr. and Mrs. William Heist, Miss Cora and Luther Heist, Mrs. A. Williams, Miss Alice Williams, Miss Alice Bieber, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Angstadt, Miss Emma Angstadt, Miss Nora Motes, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Angstadt, Miss Stella Angstadt, Edwin Leinbach, William Angstadt, Mr. Stout, Mrs. Hannah Goodman, William and Randall Goodman, Mrs. Albert Hartman, Mrs. Duser, Mrs. Wright, Paul Wright, Mrs. Calvin Kline, Mr. Kline and others. Many handsome presents were received by the couple.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:32 PST