Clippings from the Reading Eagle, Wednesday, June 29, 1927

Right Hand Mangled

Luther Parker, 19, 1205 Fidelity street, had his right hand badly mangled when it was caught in a printing press while he was at work at the Miller Company. The injury was dressed at the Homeopathic Hospital.

John Volker, 22, 104 Penn avenue, West Reading, an employee at the Reading Company car shop, sustained a compound fracture of the index finger of the left hand while at work. He received treatment at the Homeopathic Hospital.

Bernard Denbowski, 39, 238 Wunder street, cut a finger on a piece of scrap iron while working at the Reading Knob Works. The injury was dressed at the Homeopathic Hospital.

Struck by a swing on a local playground, Margaret Reyes, 18 months, 416 Gilson alley, was bruised about the body. The child was treated at the Homeopathic Hospital.

William Mararow, 12, 428 Mulberry street, fell while on a playground and cut his head. He was treated at St. Joseph's Hospital.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:32 PST

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