Clippings from the Reading Eagle, June 24, 1928


The marriage of Edith M. Kercher and Irwin S. Fetter took place Saturday at the parsonage of a Lutheran minister. The bride was attired entirely in white. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Kercher, of Reiffton. Mr. Fetter is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fetter, of Reinholds. They will be "at home" at Reinholds.


Rev. Gustav R. Poetter, pastor of St. Mark's Reformed Church, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the bride's home officiated at the marriage of Nancy Wanner and James Coote. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coote. The bride is a teacher and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob T. Wanner, 326 West Douglass street.


Rev. Harry E. Herman officiated at the marriage of Evelyn M. Steiner and Robert Bitt[i]ng. The attendants were Catharine Steiner, a sister of the bride, and James Werley. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Steiner. Mr. Bitting is a son of Ellen and the late Edward Bitting, 601 Gregg avenue.


Mr. and Mrs. Gustaf Anderson, of Chicago, Ill, announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Marie Anderson and L. Victor Rohrer, the wedding having taken place Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock, at the Lakeview Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Mr. Rohrer is a former resident of this city. He is playing with Bob Wernon's Orchestra, of Chicago.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:32 PST

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