The following is an excerpt:
A Busy Day in the Orphan's Court-Money for Heirs
Judge BLAND adjudicated these estates:
First and final account of Esther STOUDT, administratrix of Benneville STOUDT, Maidencreek, who died Feb. 26, 1898, leaving a widow and 8 children. The estate amounts to $4,661.63, of which the widow receives a life estate in $1,553.88, and the following children-John B., Lewis, Edwin B., George STOUDT, Racy HEFFNER, Mary ADAM and Sallie HOCH, each get $443.97.
Account of Owen C. HUGHES, administrator of David M. HUGHES, Heidelberg, who died Jan. 10, 1899. The amount for distribution is $3,053.81, of which $1,617.95, goes to the widow, and $339.31 to each of the following children: William A., Owen C., Clement B., David N. HUGHES, Amelia E. POTTEIGER, Catharine K. KURTZ.
Account of Wm. G. MOORE, guardian of June Rose YINGST, who becomes of age, June 25, 1898, and inherits $1,283.39.
Account of Franklin H. FISHER, one of the executors of Abraham B. FISHER, Lower Heidelberg, who died March 16, 1897, leaving 9 children. The amount for distribution is $2,835.78, which allows $315.09 for each of the following children--Franklin, Charles, Sallie, Emma, Lydia Ann, Irvin, Morris R., James E. and Katie A. FISHER.
Account of John W. and Emma REINER, executors of Catharine REINER, Reading, who died Nov. 13, 1897. The amount for distribution in this account is $2,633.88, divided as follows: Catharine REINER, $1,000, and Mary, John and Emma REINER and Rosie SELAK, each $258.47.
Account of the Penn'a Trust Company, trustee in the estate of James Everhart ROBESON, who died Dec. 23, 1863, leaving to survive a widow, who has since died, and five children, four of whom have since died. The estate amounts to $5,845.14, which is equally divided among its representatives of the deceased and the survivor, $1,169.03.
Account of Henry BERNHART, guardian of Clara Susan SCHWARTZ, who became of age April 22, 1899, and inherits $3,205.13
Account of Henry BERNHART, guardian of Emma Louisa SCHWARTZ, who became of age Feb. 24, 1899, and inherits $3,199.92.
Account of the Penn'a Trust Company, guardian of William T. LEIPPE, who became of age April 13, 1899, and inherits $4,420.15
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST