The Grooms Are Two Young Men from Reading.
Kutztown, June 2--One of the leading social events of the season took place at 4 p.m., at the home of Carl RICHTER, in Church Lane, in the form of a double wedding. The brides were two of his daughters. The ceremony by which Frederick HECKMAN and Emma RICHTER, and Elmer BOSSIER and Anna RICHTER were united in matrimony, was performed by Rev. J. J. CRESSMAN. Miss Kate KEMP, of town, and John SEITZINGER, of Reading, were bridesmain and best man to the first named couple, while Rosa HECKMAN and John YEAGER filled these respective honors for Anna RICHTER and Mr. BOSSIER. Miss Emma RICHTER was dressed in a military blue costume, trimmed with white satin and gold trimmings, and her sister wore a dress of blue silk, trimmed with white ribbon. The bridesmaids were attired in white silk and white slippers. The parlor was decorated with ferns and cut flowers. Above the door through which the couples entered was a wreath. A reception will follow the wedding this evening at 8 o'clock. The couples will on Sunday evening leave for Reading, where they will reside at 347 Rose. The grooms are employed at Sternbergh's. Among the out-of-town guests were these from Reading: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. HECKMAN, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. HAMAN, Mr. and Mrs. C. LONG, Mr. and Mrs. George LEINBACH, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. COLEMAN, Miss Nora KATZENMOYER, Mr. and Mrs. Harry KLOPP, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BUCKLEY, Frank MANBECK, Elmer SCHAEFFER, Will. YEAGER, and a delegation of fellow-workmen from Sternbergh's.
Carl RICHTER and wife have three married daughtersin Germany. The fourth daughter is married to Oscar FELLENBERG and resides in Emaus. The next two daughters were the brides of to-day. They have one more daughter, aged nine years.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST