At the Tulpehocken parsonage, Calvin V. Troutman and Miss Nora M. Peiffer, both of near Myerstown, were married by Rev. Welker.
At West Decatur, Clearfield county, Rev. H. P. Baughter united in marriage Harry G. Boughter, of Frackville, Schuylkill county, and Miss Kate W. Buchmoyer, of Lebanon.
Harry W. Houser and Miss Carrie Smith, both of Bethel township, were married by Rev. H. Glesz.
Miss Katie Yeager and Reuben C. Schuler were married by Rev. Edwin H. Remig, pastor of St. Paul's U. E. church.
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Howard A. Reider, teacher, son of Aug, and Suzanna Reider, New Jerusalem, and Alice B. youngest daughter of David H. and Malinda Heffner, Landis' Store, were married in Reading at he [the] parsonage of Rev. Henry W. Warmkessel. The couple was serenaded by a calithumpian band upon their return.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST