Holstein-Williamson -- On May 25, 1890 by Rev. W.H. Burrell, at his residence, 43 Cooper St., Camden N.J., Jacob Holstein, of Phila., to Miss Helen Williamson, of Hamburg, Berks County, PA.
Lutz-Schmehl -- In this city, on the 31st inst. by Rev. F.K. Huntzinger, at his residence, 136 South 4th, Wm. H. Lutz and Miss Annie L. Schmehl, both of Muhlenberg township.
The vacancy in the Water Board, caused by the death of Commissioner Jacob Holl, will be filled at Tuesday evening's session of the board. Commissioner Heizmann who has the appointment to make, by virtue of having been elected at the same times as Mr. Holl, and who represents the southern district, will name as the new member, Henry G. Young, a well-known resident and coal dealer of the 4th ward. Mr. Young is a prominent and active Democrat.
At Sunday police court John Hank was sent to jail for 15 days for vagrancy.
The Ladies' auxiliary of the Union Veteran Legion will have a strawberry and ice cream festival in Library hill next Friday and Saturday evenings. A musical programme will be rendered.
Daniel A. Yoder, liquor dealer, 635 Penn, found purse containing a small sum of money, which the owner can recover by calling on him.
Miss Laura D. Ferguson gave a dinner at the Mineral Springs to a number of her personal friends at 2 o'clock this afternoon, as a prelude to her wedding on the 5th inst. The ceremony uniting her in marriage with Rev. Harper Leaper, will be performed by Rev. John VanDeventer, of New York city.
The 13th annual strawberry and ice cream festival of the First Reformed Sunday school will be held in Maennerchor hall commencing Wednesday evening. It will close on Saturday night. The affair will be in charge of the ladies of the Sabbath school. Drexel's orchestra will render music.
Mrs. John Saylor's Sunday school class of St. Matthew's Lutheran church will give a donation party for the Reading hospital on Wednesday afternoon.
The St. Thomas Reformed Sunday school will hold a strawberry festival at Albion hall, 9th and Green, commencing on June 11th and closing on the 14th inst.
The first person reported having made hay this season is Solomon Close, who secured a good-sized load from his lawn in the rear of his residence, 907 Penn st. Mr. Close was a farmer's son in Exeter and known when grass is most tempting to horses and cattle.
Building Inspector Heine took charge of his office and is on duty. A permit was taken out by Leo Sheltzle for a 2 story brick house at 349 Spring Garden St. Repair permits were issued to Daniel Rapp for properties at 16 and 17 Poplar st., and H.A. Heckman, 4th st. between Pine and Bingaman st.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST