Newspaper Clippings from the Reading Eagle, Sunday, June 1, 1884

Four Weddings Performed by Revs. Phillips and Leinbach

Rev. H.C. Phillips, of Otterbein U.B. Church last evening performed the nuptials of Harry Roland and Miss Ella Carpenter, at the residence of the ladies' father, Rev. I. Carpenter, 1721 Centre avenue. The wedding was strictly private. The groom is an industrious young man, and a molder by trade. The happy couple will make their future residence at 220 Mulberry street.

Rev. Phillips also married last evening Wm. F. Auchenbach and Mrs. Christie A. Souders, at the residence of the bride, 313 North 11th street, in the presence of their near friends. They will make their future home at the above number.

Hiram S. Fry, of Philadelphia, and Miss Rebecca R. Moyer, of Centreport, were married yesterday by Rev. A.S. Leinbach, at his residence, North 4th street near Washington. The wedding was strictly private.

Rev. Leinbach also married Irvin W.H. Lorah, of Alsace, and Miss Amanda Folk, of Muhlenberg, at his residence. The wedding was private.

Evangelical Annual Convention

The annual Reading District Convention of the Ministerial and Sunday School Association of Evangelical church will meet in Pottstown on Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. J.C. Hornberger, of the Reading district, will preside. Upward of 100 ministers and lay delegates will attend. Those who will be present from Reading are: From Chestnut street Sunday school, Miss Emma Leppe and Rev. S.C. Breyfogel; from Salem Sunday school, Miss Ada Neitz and Rev. W.K. Wieand; from Ebenezer Sunday school, Rev. J.J. Reitz. They will leave on Monday evening and Tuesday morning.

Last Night's Openings

Ex-police Officer Rupp had a grand opening of the Riverside hotel, North Reading, last night. The Liberty band furnished the music, and there was dancing until a late hour.

Frederick Croissand had a formal opening of his Marion hotel, 705 North 9th street, last evening. A fine lunch was served all day and evening.

Close of the Covenant M.E. Church Festival and Supper

The strawberry festival and supper held in Association hall for the benefit of Covenant M.E. church, came to a close last evening, after a successful run of three nights. A handsome sum was realized.


The latest idea in bar arrangement has been introduced at Bissinger's Cafe. All beers are now tapped at the counter instead of in the rear of it. The attendant faces the customer, taps the beer and serves it without turning about. The large crowds present last night admired the new plan.

Presiding Elder I. Baltzell, of Harrisburg, will preach in Otterbein U.B. church to-day both morning and evening. In the morning the holy communion will be administered.

The annual commencement of the Stewart Academy takes place in the Academy of Music, Thursday, June 26th.

Miss Sallie Hoffman, 8th street near Walnut, made a misstep and sprained her ankle. Dr. S.B. Heckman attended to her injury.

John Weiss Released. Refunded the Money and Paid the Costs.

John Weiss, alias Crosby, who was arrested on the charge of swindling Benjamin Armole, 812 Bingaman street, by representing himself as a surgeon in the employ of the U.S. government, returned to Mr. Armole the $3.75 the latter had given him. The defendant also paid the costs of the case. Weiss was also charged with having represented himself as Dr. Crosby, professor of a medical college of Philadelphia, and obtaining $3.75 from Adam Weinerth, 237 Cedar street, whose son is ill with affection of the lungs. Weiss gave a prescription for 10 white powders which a druggist said contained no virtue whatever as a medicine for consumption. Weiss returned the money and also paid the costs in this case and was released.

A Reading Man's Experience in Texas

James Gregory, of Quitman, Wood county, Texas, in a letter to his father, Wilson Gregory, this city, dated May 25, says that since the 16th of April it has rained 4 days out of 6 and the prospects of anything like a crop are very poor. Some farmers are completely washed out. In some places in his own farm the water was 4 feet deep and the corn entirely washed out after it had been planted twice. Ten miles northwest of Quitman they had a severe hail storm. The hail was a foot deep on level ground. Some were as large as hen's eggs. The hail laid on the ground for 3 days. Fruit of all kinds and the crops generally will be a total failure. The trains on the railroad ceased running for two days. Vegetables such as new potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage, &c., are a drug in the market, and strawberries are very plenty except in the bottom lands. Cotton is looking well and a good crop is expected.

Yesterday's Horse Sale

Sunday & Unger's sale of Iowa and Illinois horses at Bechtel's stables, Perkiomen avenue and Franklin streets, yesterday afternoon was largely attended. Excellent prices were realized and bidding was quite animated. The stock included driving, draught and cart horses. There was also a trotter, 5 years old, bay, and was guaranteed to trot in 2:40. $700 was bid but the horse was withdrawn. ?.B. Davis was the auctioneer. Dealers were present from Schuylkill, Lancaster, Lebanon and Montgomery counties. The purchasers and prices paid were as follows:

Gray horse, A.R. Bitzer $235
Bay horse, C.E. Titman 240
Bay horse, W.B. Leaman 215
Brown horse, J.K. Loose 165
Brown horse, K.H. Cleaver 301
Brown horse, Abraham Sheridan 220
Bay horse, A.R. Bitzer 228
Bay horse, E.F. Bechtel 275
Pair bay horses, A.R. Bitzer 375
Sorrel horse, A.R. Bitzer 190
Bay horse, Charles Potteiger 231
Black horse, Joshua Eyrich 130
Sorrel horse, Elias Becker 100
Gray horse, A.R. Bitzer 294
Two mules, Wm. Weisinger 400

Returned from the Undertakers' Convention

The annual convention of the state undertakers' association, which was in session at Pittsburg Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, adjourned yesterday. Undertaker E.S. Miller and wife returned home last evening. The meeting was presided over by John Sansom, of Pittsburg. A.P. Burton, of Erie, was elected president. There were about 400 delegates in attendance, and they were all undertakers. During the convention the members had a procession with carriages, and an excellent time was shown them. They were shown through the penitentiary and all the points of interest in Pittsburg and Allegheny. An interesting feature was the cremation of a corpse at Washington, for their especial benefit. It was witnessed by all the members and the event was very instructing.

Arrested for Robbing a Sinking Spring Hotel

Isaac Zimmerman, a German peddler, about 40 years of age, was arrested at 10 o'clock, last night, on Penn street above 6th, by Sergeant Becker, on the charge of the larceny of $48.50 from the hotel of Charles Gring, at Sinking Springs. Mr. Gring communicated the fact of the robbery and gave a description of the defendant by telephone from Sinking Springs to the city hall. Mr. Gring will visit Reading this morning with the view of identifying the prisoner.

Two Polanders Arrested

Officers Boon and Kern arrested 2 Polanders yesterday at Robesonia for illegal car riding, brought them to this city and took them before Alderman Long, where they paid the usual fine and costs of arrest. Before being released one of them knelt on the floor, clasped his hands and prayed with uplifted eyes. When they were told they were free one of them kissed the back of the hand of Officer Schaeffer, who was in the office at the time, and being dressed in his uniform and wearing a badge, the Polanders mistook for the magistrate.

Buffalo Bill Coming

Buffalo Bill's Wild West show will exhibit at the fair grounds on June 11th and 12th. He has with him Bogardus, the Champion Shot of the World, and his four boys known as the "Dead-Shot quartette;" Brick Taylor, the Cowboy King; Major Frank North, the Prairies Pilot; and a host of frontier heroes, with Indians, mustangs, bronchos, buffaloes, elk and a border menagerie fit for a circus.


Mrs. A.E. Messinger, of Watsontown is in Reading, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos S. Good, 16 South 3d street.

Mr. and Mrs. Ritter Brown, Philadelphia, are in Reading.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST

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