Clippings from the Reading Daily Eagle, Tuesday, July 28, 1931


Zion's Union Sunday School picnic was largely attended. The Philharmonic Band, Pottsville, rendered the music from 6 to 11 o'clock. The gross receipts amounted to $505. The Orwigsburg Sunday School held a picnic in the local grove. A band composed of members of the school in comic uniforms enlivened the outing and paraded through town.

Miss Mary V. Henne, Schuylkill Haven, is spending her vacation here with her sisters, Mrs. Sarah Keener, Mrs. Emma and Cassie Henne and Mrs. Diana Reber.

Zion's Union choir, under the leadership of Howard May, Pottsvil1e, rendered special selections at services conducted by Rev. Frank W. Ruth.

William Rentz sold his house on Walnut street to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Day, Philadelphia, on private terms. He will take possession in 30 days. Mr. Day is a Spanish-American War veteran and worked for the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company for 35 years as a conductor.

Samuel L. Keim, 83, and John M. Hassler, 78, former residents of town who moved to Reading many years ago, made their annual pilgrimage to the Strausstown Sunday School picnic.

This evening Democratic Committeeman Thomas M. Rentschler will conduct a Democratic caucus at Calvin Luckenbill's Hotel for the purpose of forming a ticket for the coming primary election Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Miss Jean Unger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Unger, Phoenixville, spent a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unger.

The Strauss Reunion will be held in the grove adjoining Strausstown Sunday, Aug 9. All descendants of the clan are invited to attend. This borough was named after John Strauss, founder and owner of a considerable amount of the land. Joseph Boltz, a tailor by trade, built the first house here. It is still in good condition.

Mr. Hurst, Schaefferstown, Lebanon county, is erecting a stone outfit on the Blue Mountain. He will furnish the crushed stones for the new sections of the Federal road, under construction now in Berks and Schuylkill counties, across the Blue Mountain north of town.

Public auction on Thursday evening, July 30, of all kinds of high-grade fruits at Calvin Leinbach's Hotel, Strausstown, Pa.

Student Arrested on Hit-Run charge

Pottstown, July 28 (Special).--This afternoon at the office of Magistrate Ralph McLaughlin, Norristown, C.H. You, 21, Perkiomen school student, was given a hearing on a hit-skip charge. You, who is a native of Korea, is alleged to have failed to stop the car he was operating after it had forced a motor vehicle driven by Baxter Smoot, colored, of Vaux Hall, N.J., off the Gravel pike, at Red Hill, Sunday afternoon.

The Smoot car crashed into a pole, injuring three occupants, Mrs. Smoot and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thomas, all colored. State Highway Patrolman C.M. Ross, a short time after the crash, arrested You at the school, charging him with failure to stop at the scene of an accident and operating a motor vehicle without a license.

Card of Thanks

The husband, mother and family of the late Mrs. Charles Hall, Sinking Spring, wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during their recent bereavement; also for the use of automobiles, and for the beautiful floral tributes received.

In Memoriam

Bridegam--In sad and loving remembrance of my dear mother, Sarah E. Bridegam, who passed away July 28, 1930.

One sad and lonesome year has passed,
Since I have seen your dear face last.
It was so hard to part from you,
Because you were so kind and true.
Oh how I would this day rejoice,
If I could lay my hand upon your brow.

Sadly missed by Daughter Helen.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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