The funeral of Frederick Geyer was largely attended. The remains reposed in a black cloth covered casket with silver handles and plate on lid bearing "Father," and was attired in his own suit. The floral tributes consisted of a fine wreath of natural flowers. Rev. Landis of Quakertown, officiated. Pall bearers, David Geyer, of Philadelphia; James Geyer, Franklin Gilbert and Henry Gilbert, all nephews of the deceased. Undertaker D. C. Brumbach had charge. Interment in Fairview Cemetery.
The bricklayers commenced work at the new residence of Milton Gotshall on South Philadelphia Avenue.
Following part of 13 left Boyertown in one of F. G. Leidy's omnibuses for Ringing Rocks Park, where they enjoyed a picnic: Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bahr, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Bahr, Mrs. Wm. Wagonhost, Mrs. J. H. Weller, Misses Mamie B. Weller, Olivia B. Weller, Florence Bahr, Maggie Hoffman and Mrs. Mary Maurer, of Reading, and Mrs. Harvey Shaner.
At a special meeting of the Friendship H. & L. Co., arrangements were made for their picnic, to be held at Yellow House, Saturday. Two teams will run from town, one leaving at 8 a.m. and the other at 1 p.m.
Miss Bessie Simon, of Reading, who was here visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Deysher, left for home.
Mrs. Charles B. Spatz and children, who spent several weeks with her parents, Andrew Muntz and wife, Reading returned home.
The Railroad Company is repairing the bridge on 2nd street.
Miss Mary Schupp, Miss Gussie Fegely, Frederick Fegely and Bernard Refass, of Allentown, are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Stauffer, the three former ones being grandchildren. The young men rode here on their bicycles from Allentown. They took a spin to Pottstown and other places on their wheels.
A shooting match for $25 a side will take place at Croll's Hotel, Bally, Aug. 1. After this match a blue rock target match will take place.
The Reformed Sunday School of Niantic will picnic in Jonathan Moser's grove near Niantic, Au. 1. The Germania band of Hillegass will furnish the music.
Isaac D. DeTurk will sell a carload of Ohio cows at the Shultzville Hotel, Monday, July 27.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:30 PST