Clippings from the Reading Eagle, July 7, 1893

Second Edition


The only child of Charles and Rosa Kline of Morysville, died of dropsy, caused by scarlet fever, aged about 2 years. Funeral, Tuesday, July 11, at 9:30 a.m. at the Reformed Church.

Mrs. Josiah Fryer, of Englesville, gave birth to twins, both still born.

A silk umbrella with gold ring to the handle was left standing at the bakery of Chas. Litchi, where the owner can secure his property.

E. Z. Evans, passenger conductor on the P. & R. main line, and family of Philadelphia, are here, visiting his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Stauffer. Mrs. Evans will remain several weeks.

John H. Funk, of Florida, formerly of this place, who left here several years ago, arrived here, and is the guest of his father-in-law.

Benjamin E. Rhoads, who was appointed postmaster of this place, is a son of ex-Prison Warden R. B. Rhoads, and assisted his father in the coal and lumber business for a number of years, until last April

The funeral of Nicholas Johnson, of New Berlinville, was largely attended. His remains reposed in a walnut casket with plate on lid, and silver handles. Revs. Kreible and C. C. Boyer officiated. Pall bearers: Solomon Henry, William Muthart, Abner Drumheller and Daniel Ritter. Undertaker D. C. Brumbach had charge. Interment in Fairview Cemetery.

Jacob Gable will sell at Gotshall's Hotel, Bechtelsville, a carload of cows, Thursday, July 13.

The combined annual celebration of the Swamp Lutheran and Reformed Sunday schools will be held in Wm. Schneider's grove, Saturday, August 15. The Keystone band has been engaged. The Faglysville and Jacksonville Sunday schools, accompanied by a band, will also participate.

A game of baseball will come off here Saturday afternoon, July 8, between Finn's Athletics, of Pottstown and the home club.

Charles Mory and family and Mrs. Martin Weidner, who have been absent six weeks visiting friends through the west and the World's Fair, returned home.

Daniel Rothermel will sell a carload of Green County cows at the Union House, Churchville, Saturday, July 15.

At the Reformed Sunday school celebration in Ritter's grove, July 15, a 30 foot balloon will be sent up with a card attached giving a prize to the finder. The Liberty band has been engaged.

I. T. Ehst is printing his annual directory of Sunday School picnics.


Mrs. Amelia Eschbach's Charges Against Levi Lefever

Mrs. Amelia Eshbach, who brought suit before Justice of the Peace Fox against Levi Lefever, Boyertown, charging assault, has now brought a civil suit against him, she alleging that he insulter her at night at her home by asking her whether her 2 children were in bed and her husband [away] from home, and then taking hold of her wrist. At the hearing before Squire Fox, Mr. Lefever said he did not mean any harm by taking hold of her wrist or making inquiries about her family. Mrs. Eshbach has employed Jacobs and Keiser and Wm. J. Rourke as counsel.

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:28 PST

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