The report of former County Controller Rhode for the year 1919 shows that $7,725 was paid out for the burial of soldiers and $4,500 for the soldiers widows, a total of $12,225. The county under a state law, pays $75 toward the burial of each soldier or widow.
Under a recent act of Assembly the county commissioners are not to contribute any more moneys toward the funeral expenses of any soldier, sailor or marine where the total expenses including the $75 allowance exceeds $250.
In 1918 there was $6,150 paid for burial of soldiers and $4,575 for burial of widows. The report shows an increase of $1,575 for burial of soldiers while the cost of the widows in 1919 indicates a decrease of one burial compared with 1918. The report showed 103 soldiers buried in 1919 and 82 in 1918 besides 60 widows in 1919 and 61 in 1918. Those buried as compiled by Deputy Mattern were:
Edward Beard, Peter Shenfelder, William A. Rightmeyer, John L. Mitchell, John Steffy, John H. Steger, Samuel Hauley, Daniel Mosser, Nicholas S. Glase, Josiah S. Emery, Franklin Stettler, George Bechtel, Lee C. Bricker, William H. Power, William Johnston, Alfred W. Gift, John Kay Jr., Joseph A. Salusky, Joseph Shirey, Edward C. Moyer, Frank Klempert, Horace S. Reber, George Reber, Benjamin Luft, John E. Stuber, Jacob Roth, John H. Snavel, Stpehen H. Schnabel, William H. Yerger, Isaac B. Fretz, Elhanan Hahn, John Himmelsbach, James J. Weidner, Augustus Eshleman, Raymond B. Lewis, Peter Trump, Franklin Platz, Thomas H. Geiger, Peter Byler, Caleb A. Bland, Persaval Faust, Joseph R. Burke, Peter K. Strunk, Wellington Eagle, Reuben Brady, William Angstadt, Reuben Kissinger, Samuel Houck, George Mergert, Adam Shaaber, Samuel Meck, William H. Seltzinger, Llewellyn Brensinger, Samuel W. Bauman, Bernard Mehan, Charles A. Bear, Franklin Hay, Francis J. Welan, William Rhoads.
John Hutchen, Joseph P. Endt, Aaron Reichert, David Mock, John Mabry, Henry C. Burkhalter, Erasmus J. Bierbower, Leo J. Hess, William G. Wagner, Warren L. Wanner, Levi Breidegam, Philip Schell, Monroe K. Manbeck, Elias Hohl, Isaac Hahn, Robert M. Drayer, John F. Schoener, John J. Wisner, David Ziegenfuss, Harrison Lewis, Charles A. K. Grim, Isaac Wagner, Theodore Deysher, Lewis Crater, Taylor Lacey, Benjamin Heffner, Franklin Lightner, William Landis, John W. Lease, Salvatore Causata, John G. Harper, Daniel J. McDermott, Jacob Spittler, Daniel Lorah, Franklin Keiser, Henry L. Grant, Henry Minnich, John L. Templin, George L. Schoffield, Michael Parteneze, Levi Werner, William Strock, David Brown, Jonathan Houck.
Catharine Price, Maria Goodman, Annie M. Geisinger, Marie F. Gruber, Mary M. Shirey, Mahla Ermentrout, Hettie A. Leaman, Elisabeth Roth, Mary Carl, Amanda Bergert, Mary Ann Nein, Catharine A. Brown, Emma Feinandt, Sarah A. Shell, Mary Ann Miller, Ellen C. Parvis, Matilda Englehart, Anna M. Row, Sarah Wessner, Elizabeth Dierolf, Selinda E. Focht, Catharine McNall, Mary Haines, Selisa B. Goodman, Mary M. Lautz, Emeline Rush, Emma C. Miller, Matilda Zechman, Sarah Muscott, Marta Ketterer, Lillie B. Bowers, Sarah A. Bell, Huldah A. Shick.
Rebecca G. Eckert, Susan B. Diehm, Mary Ann Shauber, Caroline Smith, Rachel M. Pennypacker, Catharine Flickinger, Elizabeth Eisenhart, Harriet D. Bush, Rebecca S. Sieger, Malinda A. Graeff, Annie E. Zechman, Anna Lucinda Specht, Rebecca Breidegam, Sabilla Snyder, Elizabeth Watt, Rebecca Fisher, Fiana Epler, Anna M. Faust, Kate Levan, mary Hettinger, Emma Snovel, Caroline K. Redcay, Mary Anna Moore, Mary B. Edner, Sara A. Hemmig, Susan K. Diehl, Amanda E. Moyer
There was expended during the year 1919 by the county commissioners, according to the report of the county controller, for 56 soldiers headstones $840, which $120 less than in 1918. The new act of Assembly of the state now provides $30 instead of $15 for a headstone. Headstonews were erected on the graves of the following soldiers during 1919:
Joel Strager(?), Charles Weber, Reuben Texor, Alfred Gift, Benjamin Keyser, Emanuel Abel, John L. Bender, James Chonour, Levi Weiss, Jacob L. Roth, Franklin Frederic, William Rightmeyer, Daniel Moser, Peter Trump, Urias G. Wert, John H. Becker, Edward Beard, William C. Cooke, Wiliam A. Herbine, J. A. Salusky, Ephraim Bingaman, Henry Mell, T. E. Williams, W. H. Grimes, Reuben Kissinger, Joseph Shirey, Jacob K. Epler, Horace D. Boone, George Heckman, Llewellyn Machemer, George D. Weidner, David Fisher, William K. Cleaver, Cyrus Palm, Henry H. Holland, Raymond B. Lewis, Henry Shuker, John B. Schultz, F. H. Wagner, Amos Fisher, John Sieger, David Ziegenfuss, Joseph B. Rorke, Arthur A. Wells, Peter Bigler.
W. H. Posers, John L. Mitchell, Albert W. Snyder, Alexander Schlottman, Henry C. Burkhalter, Michael Adam, William Seltzinger, William Jones, Henry A. Kinch, Amos Boone and Amos Barto.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:28 PST