Clippings from the Reading Eagle, January 17, 1903

Burials at Amityville

[Note: The article was actually cut off below the last burial listed here, and it's unknown if there were burials between Dec. 14 and Dec. 31.]

Brumfieldville: The following is a list of burials at Amityville during 1902, the graves being dug by Jacob Mock, sexton of Amityville Church.

Jan. 4, Mrs. Nathaniel Harner, of Athol
Jan. 22, Amos Redcay, of Baumstown
Jan. 26, infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Trainer of Athol
Jan. 29, Mrs. Ammon Rhoads of Athol
Feb. 11, Mrs. Nathan Swavely of Pine Iron Works
Feb. 14, Miss Emma Rhoads of Athol
Feb. 15, infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger, of Brumfieldville
Feb. 20, David Rhoads of Baumstown
March 6, Lydia Hartman of Birdsboro
March 20, Samuel Griesemer, of Stonersville
April 4, Franklin Harbold, of Athol
April 16, infant of Mr. and Mrs. William Leinbach of Reading
April 17, Mrs. Isaac Spatz of Athol
April 19, infant of Mr. and Mrs. William Leinbach of Reading
April 24, Catharine Sailor of Reading
April 29, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trace of Douglassville
May 18, Isaac Rhoads of Athol
June 18, infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Leffel of Pine Iron Works
July 5, Miss Lydia Marquet of Stonersville
July 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knauer of Brumfieldville
July 16, Rebecca Rhoads, Philadelphia
July 19, John E. Geiger of Brumfieldville
July 24 Henry Beck of Pottstown
Aug. 9, Mrs. Luther Romig of Athol
Sept. 15, Miss Edith Rhoads of Birdsboro
Sept. 18, John Huey of Philadelphia
Oct. 23, Mrs. David Hartman of Pine Iron Works
Dec. 13, Mrs. Mahlon Romich of Reading

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:28 PST

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