Death of Mrs. Frank Bode, Aged 70 years.
Mrs. Frank Bode, of near this place, died suddenly of apoplexy. She will be buried on Friday, Jun. 12, at the Lutheran Cemetery, at Old Zionsville, aged 70 years. Rev. David Kauffman, of Emaus, will officiate. R. Dellecker, undertaker, of Old Zionsville, had charge.
Mrs. M.M. Gery and Raymond Albitsz are ill.
Rothenberger Bros. made a business trip to Allentown
Mrs. John M. Snyder and son, Jacob, of Old Zionsville, visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gregory.
Miss Mary Trollinger, of Pennsburg, spent a day with her parents, A.M. Trollinger and family.
District Grand Chief John N. Ritting and E.G. Kramer, of Dillingersville, visited Harlem Castle, No. 335, Knights of the Golden Eagle, and installed the following officers: Past Chief, Oswin Schantz; Noble Chief, John D. Strunk; Vice Chief, John H. Gehman; High Priest, C.W. Rothenberger; Master of Records, M.M. Gery; Clerk of Exchequer, W.H. Heil; Keeper of Exchequer, Nathaniel Gregory; Sir Herald, John F. Baus; Worthy Chamberlain, Lewis Heimbach; Worthy Bard, Henry Sterner; Ensign, Homer Shueck; Esquire, John S. Gehman; First Guardsman, Clinton Sterner; Second Guardsman, Morris Baus.
George R. Gregory and son Homer, of Reading, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gregory.
Miles Degler and Rosa Henne were married at the parsonage of Rev. D.D. Trexler, Bernville. A reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Henne. The following is a list of those present and the gifts received: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henne, bedspread; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Degler, silver knives and forks and cash; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scheidy, lantern; Mr. and Mrs. Darina Strause, table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rentschler, table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. George Noecker, half dozen turmblers; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner, two butter plates; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Epting, table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spatz, tea kettle; Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday, cash; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Klopp, sauce pan; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Long, cash; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Schlappig, towels; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Degler, dish pan; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Degler, half dozen tumblers; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Degler, two fruit dishes; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stump, water set and table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stoudt, table cloth; Mrs. Frank Schlappig, half dozen spoons; Mrs. Samuel Haag, bread plate; Miss Ella Henne, comb set; Miss Lillie Henne, rug; Miss Margaret Henne, Lizzie Kaufman, water set; James Lesher, sauce pan and salt and pepper shakers; Mrs. Joseph Henne, table cloth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Seyfert, cash; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fink, two meat platters; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Savage, cash; John Stager, cash; Minerva Rentschler, half dozen tumblers; Daniel Ernst, dish; Sarah Rentschler, half dozen tumblers; V.K. Rentschler, Mr. and Mrs. William Ernst, salt and pepper shakers and toothpick holder; Margaret Ernst, Mayme Ernst, Edna Degler, Fruit dish; Alma Degler, fruit dish; Amy Degler, fruit dish; Edna Rentschler, jelly dishes; Helen Rentschler, Florence Rentschler, Pearl Wagner, Minerva Wagner, jelly dishes; Katie Fel?? cake dish; Edna Ney, fruit dishes; Cora Schlappig, half dozen tea spoons; Miranda Schlappig, half dozen tumblers; Annie Strauss, pepper and salt shakers, Eva Noecker, Sallie Noecker, Stella Haag, Sallie Strause, Florence Strause, Mary Klapp, Mabel Klapp, Dorothy Spatz, Esther Stoudt, Helen Stoudt, Eva Henne, Mabel Epting, fruit dishes; Flora Epting, fruit dishes; Margaret Epting, fruit dishes; Esther Scheidy, potato masher; Elsie Spatz, salt and pepper shakers; Ada stump, bread plate; Charles Henne, kettle; Alvin Wagner, half dozen tumblers; Edwin Strause, fruit dish; Francis W. Henne, boiler; Daniel Henne, pie plates; Edwin Feick, bread plates; John Scheidy, pie ladle; Samuel Scheidy, egg beater; Thomas Spatz, salt and pepper shakers; James Spatz, cup and saucer; John Kauffman, fancy vase; Herbert Degler, wine set and carpet; John Klapp sr., George Henne, Lloyd Henne, Silas Henne, Lester Roth, John Strause, Stephen Strause, Morris Strause, Burton Degler, Stanly Degler, Walter Strause, Lester Strause, Arthur Degler, John Klapp, jr., John Schlappig, Clarence Schlappig, Lawrence Schlappig, Charles Epting, Irwin Epting, Raymond Rentschler, Joseph Rentschler jr., and Willis Noecker.
The semi-annual P.O.S. of A. convention of District No. 3, which was to have been held in the hall of Camp 133 on Jan. 6, was postponed on account of the severe weather and drifted roads.
John A. Stoyer lost a cow by death.
Charles M. Tobias spent several days in Reading.
Robert Gauss, foreman in the Shartlesville shirt factory, rented the house of James L. Hollenbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seidel, of Hamburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Albright.
Frank Bashore filled his ice house with an 11-inch crop from Zeller's dam.
A number of people filled their houses with ice from C.K. Bashore's dam.
Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Price spent several days with their daughter, Mrs. Edward Sherman at Temple.
Adam Merkey's public sale was well attended.
E.H. Price slaughtered for the families of Solomon Shreffler, Charles E. Tobias and David Weidner.
G.A. Ditzler and Philip S. Steinbach were at Freystown.
Levi Bashore was in Pinegrove.
Messrs. Manbeck and Baeshore, local hucksters, pay 32 cents a pound for butter; 30 cents a dozen for eggs; chicken, 10 cents a pound, and squabs, 20 cents a pair.
Pierce Bashore secured employment with William Fidler.
William Baum is hauling coal from Myerstown.
L.H. Gehringer, proprietor of the Grimville Hotel will hold a shoot on Saturday, Jan. 13, for ducks, geese and turkeys.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spohn visited Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Meltzler.
Rev. O.S. Scheirer will conduct German services in the Grimville Church on Sunday, Jan. 14, 15 10:15 a.m.
Fister and Wagaman filled their ice-house with eight-inch ice.
I.P. Rabenhold transacted business in Kutztown.
The sale of personal property held by Jacob George was well attended.
Grim & Brothers builders of sleighs, buggies and heavy farm wagons, sold four sleighs during the week.
Samuel Berger erected a summer kitchen 16 x 24 feet on his premises near Grimville.
While collecting milk the team of Levi Betz became unmanageable and ran away. Half a ton of milk was spilled along the road. The horse was caught by Harvey A. Youse. The sleigh was partly damaged but was repaired and Mr. Betz resumed his collection. He hauls the milk to the Lyons cooling and bottling station.
Ammon Weller and Samuel Fronheiser, members of the Landisville Hunt, chased two foxes into the rocks near the Lobach school house. They worked nearly a whole day to dig them out, but were unable to capture them on account of the big rocks. The men were assisted by Elmer Yoder, Clarence Yoder and William Schwenk, of Pikesville.
Seth A. Brown lost a cow by death. This is the second cow that Mr. Brown lost within a short time. Scavenger Mathias, of Amityville, removed the carcass.
Jacob Glasser was the first to house ice this season. He cut it from the dam of D.M. Reinert, which had frozen to a thickness of six to seven inches. The ice on Mr. Reinert's dam is of the finest and many ice houses are filled from this dam.
Mrs. William Irvin and son, George, of Reading, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson, returned home.
The ice dam of the Lobachs Creamery Company sprang a leak during one of the cold nights and ran dry. A fine crop of ice went to the bottom. The company is trying to make the necessary repairs and intends to float the ice. The fall of the ice averted what might have been a serious accident. No one knew that the dam was empty. The company intended to cut the ice that day and would have used a horse.
The following visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Angstadt: Mr. and Mrs. John Dotterer, Mr. and Mrs. John Y. Shade, Miss Savilla K. Shade, William Y. Bieber and daughter, Esther S. Bieber.
John H. Frey, drover of Fredericksville, was in town.
Mrs. Amelia Frederick, who was very ill with inflammatory rheumatism is improving under the care of Dr. Hertzog of Friedensburg.
Rev. H.W. Warmkessel, of Reading, will hold German services in (Lobach's) St. Paul's Church, on Sunday, Jan. 14, at 1:30 p.m.
Milton K. Shade and Clarence K. Shade were at Bowers.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dimmig of Pennsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. James Butz, of Palm, were guests of William B. Moll and daughter, Sallie.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Moll and son, Warren, of Green Valley, visited Harry Moll and family, of this place.
A.G. Gery made a business trip to Allentown.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Moll visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Benfield, of near Huff's Church.
Harry Christman and family, of Lehigh, visited Mrs. Christman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moll and the family of Mervin Reitnauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Mensch, of Huff's Church, visited the family of Jacob F. Greiss.
E.C. Gery spent a day in Reading.
Miss Phoebe Bauman, of East Greenville, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauman.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:28 PST