Mayor Evans left Reading this morning to pay a friendly visit to relatives in Jersey City.
The puddlers and proprietors of the Blandon rolling mill have agreed to disagree, and they still continue.
A brother-in law of Jacob Oswald, of Longswamp township, residing near Topton, returned home last week from a whaling voyage of five years in the North Pacific Ocean.
Prof. Bowman's Orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music for the grand vall which comes off at the Lebanon Valley House, Lebanon, on Thursday, Jan. 1st.
Mr. Adam Deysher of Tuckerton brought to this office a sample of the fruit of the Osage orange hedge, from the farm of John Schreffler, Ontelaunee township.
The stated monthly meeting of the Farmers' Club will be held on Saturday afternoon next, at Library Hall.
The typos of the Chester News office had plenty of pastry of Christmas. They dropped a form in "pi."
Scranton is incluned to jubilate over the recent addition to its city official servitors, in the shape of letter carriers. Pottsville had them long ago.
Robesonia is the name of one of the prettiest little stations along the Lebanon rails. Its inhabitants are intelligent, all because they allow the Eagles to flutter among them so plentifully.
Dr. A.K. Evans, of Pottstown Landing, has a venerable duck that has heard it thunder for eleven years. Also a cat, nine years old, and an old hen of seven years' standing. How old is the doctor?
Because a youth of Pottstown went to bed on Christmas eve with his boots hanging to the side of his bed, the editor of the Pottstown Ledger thinks it a strange case; but he forgets to say what was in the boots next morning.
In the vicinity of Bechtelsville, this county, there was sleighing last Saturday. The citizens of that part of "Alt Berks" no doubt enjoyed it in the old fashioned way.
At Monocacy station, a telegraph operator and night dispatcher has been appointed in the person of John Hanley, Esq., of Pottstown. He is a young man of much experience in railroad affairs.
A young Humphreysville was run over in South Prince street, Lancaster, Satuday, by a grocery wagon. The Intelligencer is on the opinion that besides having his head badly scratched, the result is far from serious.
The young ladies of Cressona, Schuylkill county, tried their hand at croquet playing on the public square, Christmas day. An eye witness says, that they did everything in their power to make it interesting.
At Spring Mill, Saturday, an illl-fated fowl was run over by the up passenger train in charge of conductor Kinney, and the body striking the trigger put on the air brakes and stoped the train.
The Miners' Journal thinks that Judge Green's sentence of Brown, the murderer, was one of the most eloquent speeches ever delivered in the Schuylkill county Court House.
Lieutenant C.H. Stockton, a Phoenixvillian, is an officer on board the Dictator, the largest iron-clad vessel in the U.S. Navy.
Prof. Somonon Wallace, the celebrated colored comedian has locatedhimself within the classic shades of Port Providence, Montgoery county, wherehe proposes to paimpart instructions on the guitar.
Rev. H.R. Calloway, administered the "last love feast" of the last quarter, in the Methodist church, Phoenixville, Sunday.
Kremp & Brother, real estate agents, No. 142 North 9th st., sold a two-story brick dwelling house and lot or piece of graund, situate on the north side of Penn Street, No. 115, 20 by 270 feet, property of Dr. Henry Hageman, to Peter Getz, for $3000.
Also, six two=story brick houses and lots of ground, situate on the east side of Moss street, between Green and Greenwich streets, property of John and Joseph Spuhler; one to Mathias Stumpf, for $1590; 2nd to Albert H. Goodenough, for $1500; 3d to Henry Spuhler, for $1500, 4th to William Kern for $1500, the 5th to Mr. Kraft for $1500; and the 6th to Michael Ferber, for $1525.
Beck-Klebach -- Dec. 25th Levi H. Beck, of Robesonia, to Kate M. Klebach, of Bern. By Rev. Aaron Finfronck.
Galloff-Putt -- Dec. 1st, Isaac Galloff to Emma A. Putt, both of Marion. By Rev. Aaron Finfronck.
Miller-Mochel -- Dec. 6th, John A Miller, of Jefferson, to Isabella F. Mochel, of Upper Bern. By Rev. Aaron Finfronck.
Noran-Swinerd--On December the 25th by the Rev. C.H. Baker, Mr. John Moran to Miss Mary Swinerd, both of Birdboro, PA.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST