Daniel M. LEVAN, espress carrier, son of Gideon and Mary LEVAN, and Sarah REPPERT (nee FEGELY), daughter of George REPPERT, both of Kutztown.
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Aug. 6--The wedding of Charles L., son of John NIES, and a clerk in the office of the Adams' express company at Reading, and Miss Kate, daughter of C. A. SEIDEL, clothier at 20 South 4th st., took place last evening at 8 o'clock at the bride's residence. Rev. G. W. GERHARD, of St. James' Reformed church, performed the ceremony. A bounteous wedding supper followed. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the family were present.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST