Clippings from the Reading Eagle, August 6, 1897

Marriage Licenses

Daniel M. LEVAN, espress carrier, son of Gideon and Mary LEVAN, and Sarah REPPERT (nee FEGELY), daughter of George REPPERT, both of Kutztown.

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Aug. 6--The wedding of Charles L., son of John NIES, and a clerk in the office of the Adams' express company at Reading, and Miss Kate, daughter of C. A. SEIDEL, clothier at 20 South 4th st., took place last evening at 8 o'clock at the bride's residence. Rev. G. W. GERHARD, of St. James' Reformed church, performed the ceremony. A bounteous wedding supper followed. Only the immediate relatives and friends of the family were present.

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Submitted by Marcia.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST

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