Leinbach's: John B. Ammarell, marble and granite dealer, erected the following tombstones in the various cemeteries. Mr. Ammarell is assisted by three regular cutters and one polisher, besides being obliged to get extra help.
In Alsace Church Cemetery - Granite rock, posts and sill, Sallie King; marble headstone, Marks Schlottman, also three headstones for his children.
Hinnershtiz Church Cemetery - Granite posts and sill for Snyder & Huey; marble head stones for Rufus Dunkle and Webster C. Dunkle, heavy St. Lawrence sill and six posts for Aug. and Jas. Bridegam, St. Lawarence sills and four posts for Geo. M. Wahl, granite rock for child of Mahlon and Nora Snyder, marble stump for child of Sol. Stoudt; marble stump for Paul L. Shupp; marble rock for Robert Franklin Kalbach, marble stone for child of John S. and Deborah Rothermel.
Epler's Church-Marble head stones for John Ulrich, Emma McAllister, Jared Hoyer, Caroline Leinbach and Helen Lash; sill and posts for Anna E. Mengel and Ellsworth Swavely, granite head stone, all polished, for Mary Geisewite and John P. Snyder; granite still, posts and coping on lot of Jared B. Kramer.
Bern Church - Marble head stones for Catharine Moyer, Maggie Bengaman and Fienna Oligner, and marble rock for Albert H. Olinger.
Gernant's Church-Marble head stones for Agnes Rebecca Snyder, two children of Daniel R. Snyder, two children of Catharine Hottenstein and child of John Haines.
Kissinger's Church - Two marble head stones for Jacob Kissinger and wife and one marble head stone for Wallace Kissinger.
Leesport Cemetery - Granite headstone for Franklin Pierce Freeman, marble rock for child of Charles Becker, heavy marble head stone for Lew. Kaufman.
Shalter's Church - Four marble posts for Mrs. Peter Noll, marble headstone for child of Oscar Marks.
Reading - Granite head stone for wife of Henry Bar, Trinity Lutheran Cemetery; granite head stone for John L. Miller, Charles Evans Cemetery.
Hain's Church - Two marble head stones for children of Isaac and Mary Leininger.
Schwarzwald Church - Two pair marble stones for Jacob Z. Spatz and wife and three pair marble stones for Charles, Mary and Edward Keehn.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST