While plastering a house he is building, Clarence Ulrich, aged 26 years, of Shillington, fell off a scaffold and suffered a fracture of the right foot when a log tumbled on him. He was admitted tothe REading Hospital. The foot is fractured in several places.
Finishing touches are being put on and every minute detail is being carried out, in preparation for the departure of the National Guard units of Reading, which includes Batteries A and G, 213th Artillery (anti-aircraft) C.A.C.
The impediments of these batteries will be forwarded on their trucks which will depart from Reading on Monday, which will eliminate the handling of the baggage, etc. by the enlisted personnel and make the trip more enjoyable for all concerned.
The truck of Batttery A will be in charge of Corp. Tobias and Private First Class Livinghouse; The three cooks of Battery A will accompany the truck in order to have the mess prepared in good time upon the arrival of the battery. Cooks Trout, Garrett, and McCoy intend carrying out an extensive menu program for the boys this eayr in order that the men will be sure to come back to Reading when quite a few added pounds.
Truck Movement Experimental.
The truck movement is an experiement with National Guard organizations, and it is hoped by the regimental commander that this movement iwll be one of the best ever attempted by any National guard regiment in the United States. The units that will assemble in the convoy are from Schuylkill Haven, Pottsville, Reading, Lebanon, Lancaster, Allentown, Bethlehem and EAston, and when the commplete convoy is assembled in Lancaster it will be compoed of 15 2 1/2 ton Mack trucks. Nothing has been left undone in conditioning the truck in order to have all the mechanical units working with ease and perfection. All units will have their trucks move out so as to reach Lancaster not later than 6 p.m. tomorrow.
At 4 a.m. Tuesday the convey will depart from Lancaster for Washington, D.C., passing through Columbia, York and Baltimore. The arrival at Washington will complete the first leg of the trip. The trucks will depart from Washington, D.C. at 8 a.m. Wednesday, passing through Alexandria Va., Fredericksburg, Teppahannock, Saluda, Gloucester Court House, then to Yorktown. The distance traveled up to this point will be approximately 250 miles. Yorktown, VA., will be the objective of the drive on the 13th of August. From Yorktown, the convoy will procede to Newport News and thence to Fort Monroe, completing the journey, which will cover a distance from the homes stations of 222-- (incomplete.)
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST