The Democratic caucus will be held in the Town Hall Tuesday evening, Aug. 6, at 8 o'clock. Committeeman Irvin H. Maurer will preside. There will be nominated at the primary in September, a burgess, tax collector, four councilmen, one school director, two judges of election, two inspectors, one auditor and two registry assessors.
Miss Helen Maurer, chairman of the Women's Democratic party, announces a meeting of the women of town this evening at 8 o'clock in the town hall. There will be national and State speakers at this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Guildin, of Manatawny, proceeding northward on Reading avenue, ran over two dogs in front of the Keystone Fire Company home. The dogs were badly hurt and were carried away. Mr. Guldin reported the case at the town hall and to Chief of Police Henry B. Gruber.
Miss Stella Reifsnyder entertained at a frankfurter roast and marshmallow toast at Brunner's bungalow, Earlville. Games were played during the evening and later the crowd gathered around the camp fire for a song fest. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Levengood and daughter Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Tabor, Wayne S. Thomas, Raymond Gottshall, Clifton Schanely, Edward Eisenhart, Russell Geiger, Earl Geiger, Harold Henry and Warren Moyer.
Stanley Rhoads, Paul H. Gerhart, Viola Rose, Marion S. Krauss, Beulah Jones, Eva Grubb, Helen Bauman, Elva Gerhart, Wayland Schwenk, Esther Brown, Hilda K. Schwenk, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. John Rose, Mrs. Alice Geiger, Mrs. Irwin Erb, Junior Erb, Mrs. Charles Eisenhart, Mrs. James Bryan, Evelyn Reifsnyder and Stella Reifsnyder.
The Boyertown Rotary Club will meet this evening at Houck's Restaurant. Robert Henderson, of Reading, Boy Scout executive of Berks county, will be the speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Tabor, Miss Stella Reifsnyder and Wayne S. Thomas were guests at a theatre party and later a luncheon at the Crystal Annex in Reading.
Carl Tabor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Tabor, 19 West Second street, returned home after spending nearly a week at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Engle, Royersford.
Oscar Gift and daughter, Anna, 55 South Reading avenue, motored to Stonersville, where they visited relatives.
Miss Helen Carver, Chestnut street, is spending 10 days in Mohnton, where she is the guest of relatives.
Miss Anna Kolb, East Third street, has been confined to the house with rheumatism for the past week. Dr. C.K. Becker attends.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grim, of Waymart, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Grim, East Third street.
Mrs. James Beech, Third and Chestnut streets, who has been ill for the past few weeks, is in a serious condition.
Miss Effie Smith, proprietor of the Elite Beauty Shop, left on a week's vacation to New Jersey seashore resorts. Her shop will be closed during this period.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Selmer, of New York city, started housekeeping at 7 East Philadelphia avenue.
Dr. I.O. Mahr opened his medical office in the Boyertown Mutual Fire Insurance Company building.
Pottstown, Aug. 5 (Special). At the Socialist picnic at Sanatoga Park, the main feature was a mass meeting in the park pavilion, addresses being delivered by Prof. Mark Starr, a member of the British Labor Party, lecturer at Bryn Mawr College, and an instructor in Brookwood College, New York, and by Councilman James H. Maurer, of Reading. James Van Horn was chairman at the meeting.
Mr. Maurer spoke of the great growth of trusts in this country. He said that the capitalists themselves are amazed at the great sums of money they are amassing. He solemnly declared that we are heading for another war. "No sane man wants another war," he said.
"The working class in the United States seems to be mostly contented. The mechanics are earning good money. They have autos, radios and homes—with mortgages on them. Many workmen have no time for unions. Another class is underpaid, and the most pitiable class is that composed of men over 45 years of age, who cannot get jobs on account of their age."
In speaking of the work in Reading, he said that the Socialists found there "much incompetence, and a system that was impossible to intelligent men." He said that he had saved the city of Reading $30,000 on its street cleaning this year. The city machine shop is doing fine work, and saving much money for the city, he said.
Leesport, Aug. 5 (Special). Three stop signs have been placed in this community at points where road intersect the State highway. At Mogel's corner there are two signs. On one side the road from Halfway House leads onto the main highway, and on the other side the road from Canal street leads onto the highway. At Marvin's corner, where the road from West Leesport leads onto the highway, is another stop sign. Constable A.M. Reichert emphasized the fact that motorists must come to a dead stop at these points before driving onto the State highway.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST