Clippings from the Reading Eagle, April 18, 1899

Note: the following is a partial clipping


38th Anniversary of Their Departure to the Defense of the Nation's Capital

Nineteen First Defenders of this city left on the 8 a.m., P & R express for Phila., where about 75 surviving members of that brave band of 530 who were the first to respond to Abraham Lincoln's call for troops in '61, are holding their annual re-union tp-day. On a flag which Captain F. M. Yeager carried was the inscription "First flag carried through Baltimorw, April 18, 1861." On the train was the Pottsville contingent, about 25, and about a dozen from Allentown. The Lewistown survivors went over another line.

In the Reading party were the following: Jeremiah SEIDERS, F.M. YEAGER, Thomas HAMMER, Aaron H. LEVAN, Harrison FOX, William FIX, Charles SPANGLER, Samuel H. BEARD, Franciss RAMBO, Isiah RAMBO, Solomon ASH, Addison GERY, George BICKLEY, Daniel YOHN, Richard PRICE, Henry RUSH, Henry NEIHART, David BECHTEL, William RAPP, These were all members of Ringgold Light Artillery on that memorable trip, with the exception of Messrs. Hammer, Beard and Price, who lived at Pottsville at that time and went out with the Washington Artillerists.

Among the defenders from Pottsville on the train were: A. FORSEMAN, Ctrus SHEETZ, Frank HAUSE, Charles P.POTTS, E.D. SMITH, Hugh STEVENSON, F.B. BANNAN, Val. STICHTER, Thomas CORBY, James WREN, Richard RICE, Charles EVANS, Geo. F. STEAHLIN, Ira TROY, Henry YERGER, Jos. JIHNSTON, Charles SHOEMAKER, Benjamin HOWARD, John CHRISTIAN, C. N. BRUMM, Capt. D.C. HENNING, Elmer NAGLE, Frank SHOENER and Charles RUSSELL.

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Submitted by Marcia.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST

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