At the April meeting fo the Berks County Humane Society the following members were received: Misses Florence Deinninger and Mary Madeira, Mrs. Arthur C. Roland and Mrs. Wellington M. Bertolet. The matron, Mrs. Emma Ziegler, and Agent John W. Smith reported that 17 cases had been investigate. Mrs. Ziegler was congratulated on being appointed matron at City Hall by Mayor Rick. The society feels that she is able to perform the duties of both offices because of the similiarity of the work.
The following members attended the meeting: President, George J. Gross; Secretary, Mrs. William Goodman; A. Raymond Bard, Miss Belle V. Ebur, William D. Smith, Miss Ella Gross, Mrs. Margaret Hartman and Mrs. S.S. Schweriner.
Assistant District Attorney Schaeffer and his assistant, Mr. Dumn, are determined to clean up the Fourth ward tenderloin, where a number of raids were made on resorts last week upon the complaints of citizens.
The District Attorney's office has served notice upon the owners of the houses occupied that theyw will be held responsible for renting properties for immoral purposes, as it is contended that the owners could hardly pretend they were not aware of the character of their tenants.
The owners promised to evict these characters and said that no disorderly people would be permitted on the remises in the future.
Because of the decrease in the revenue on the lines of the Allentown & Reading Traction Company, President H.e. Ahrens has written a personal letter to each of the employees, notifying them of a reduction in their wages of from 5 to 6 per cent, commendcing April 15. Mr. Ahrens in concluding his letter states that he will be glad to restore the wages as soon as the business will warrant. It was stated at the office of the company that in no case will the reduction exceed 6 per cent.
The entire stock of base ball bats, gloves, mitts, etc., of the O'Donnell estate, is being sold by Nuebling, 843 Penn street, at greatly reduced prices.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST