Clippings from the Reading Eagle, Thursday, April 9, 1908


A.C. Welle, soliciting passenger gent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, attended a meeting of the passenger representatives at the Broad Street Station, Phila.

William Street, of Phila., is spending several days in this city. He is repairing the pool tables of Specht's parlor, Fifth and Penn streets.

Rev. William H. McLaughlin, General Superintendent of the Universalist Church, returned to his home in Buffalo, after delivering a lecture in this city. While here, he was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C.E. Rice, 1409 Hill road.

Miss May Homan, 1124 Madison avenue, returned home after spending several days in Phila.

Miss Madge Mengel, of this city is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. M.S. Mengel, at Elverson.

Howard Sheeler, and son, Ardell, are visiting friends at Elverson.

Clarence Livengood is visiting his parents at Elverson.

Miss Helen Dengler, Elverson, is visiting friends in this city.

Miss Freda Fox, Elverson, is spending a week in this city.

Cornelius Roland, North Fifth street, has left for Cornell.

Daniel Miller, Fourth and Washington streets, has gone to Cornell College, Ithaca.

Peter Neithammer was appointed special watchman at Pendora Park.

Laura Hunsberger, Tenth and Washington streets, returned to Wilson College.

Edmund Fetter, 323 North Ninth street, has returned to Lehigh University, Bethlehem.

Ralph Kahler, 833 North Second street, has gone to Williamson College.

Mr. and Mrs. Abner A. Ritcher, of Lebanon, returned home after visiting friends to this city.

Mrs. Ellen Merkle and daughter, Fannie, of Lebanon, are spending several days in this city as the guests of friends and relatives.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:26 PST

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