Miss Henrietta Hughes Jones, eldest daughter of the late Capt. R.H. Jones, 846 Centre avenue, and E. Newton Wigfall, a chemist of Phils., were married at the home of the bride's mother at 6 p.m. Monday. The ceremony was strictly private, and only the immediate family and a few friends were present. Rev. Dr. W. P. Orrick officiated. Mr. amd Mrs. Wigfall will reside at Raritan, N.J. Mrs. Selp, of Atchison, Kansas, a sister of Mrs. James H. Norton, who was a bridesmaid at the wedding of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jones, was present.
Harry, son of Henry and Henrietta Wineland, 500 South 9th, and Ella, daughter of Nelson and Sybilla Betron, 442 South 10th, were married at 8 p.m., Saturday, by Rev. Dr. J.W. Steinmetz, at his parsonage. The groom is a machinist.
Edward Ammon and Miss Mary Caldwell were married at the residence of the bride's mother by Rev. Dr. Bausman. The couple left on a wedding trip at 3 p.m. and will reside in Allentown. The groom is an employee of the Bethlehem Iron Company.
Garfield E. Smith and Miss Florence G. Achenbach were married in Camden on Monday. The groom is a sign painter, while the bride is a daughter of Mrs. Kate E. Auchenbach, 341 North 10th, and was bookkeeper for Shade & Esterly. the groom is working in Phila., where the couple will reside.
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Submitted by Marcia.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:24 PST