Record Kept by Jared Hoch, Who Has Attended Upwards of 700 Funerals
Oley: In December, 1890, the Eagle correspondent obtained from David Y. Peter, of Oley, a list of 25 persons with date of birth, residing in Oley township, whose ages were 80 years and more. This record was published in the Eagle and was eagerly read and a number of correspondents from other sections of the county soon after had lists of the aged people in their districts published which proved that Oley had a large percentage of old residents compared with some other districts. Several days ago the correspondent was informed that Jared Hoch had copied the report above referred to and had kept a record of their deaths, interment, age, the clergymen who officiated at the funerals and the text on which the funeral discourse was founded. The Eagle correspondent accordingly visited Mr. Hoch, who is a well-to-do retired farmer, living in the lower section of Friedensburg. He found Mr. Hoch in his cozy home, enjoying perfect health and in a very entertaining manner the correspondent was shown the records kept by Mr. Hoch during the last 24 years, beginning with January 29, 1872 and ending January 29, 1896.
H - Buried on private burial ground
F - Buried on Frieden's Cemetery in Friedensburg
O - Buried in Oley Cemetery
S - Buried in Spies Church cemetery
U- Buried in Union (Bertolet's) Cemetery in Freidensburg
P - Buried in Pleasantville Cemetery
All repose in the soil of Oley except three
Of the 25 above named persons who have died, 13 are interred in Frieden's Cemetery, 3 in Oley Cemetery, 3 on Spies' Church Cemetery, 3 on private burial grounds, 2 on Union (Bertolets's) Cemetery and one on the Pleasantville Cemetery. William Laucks, aged 88 years is the only still living. He is a tailor, living in Friedensburg, a member of the Lutheran congregation of Friedens' church and very active for his advanced age. He married and has lived with William Glase's family for many years.
Mr. Hoch, during this period, attended the funerals of 638 persons, among them being a number of double funerals. He has a record of the day of birth, death and funeral, of the officiating minister and of the text of all of the 638 persons. Of these 638 persons 139 died between the age of 1 and 10 years; 35 between the age of 10 and 20; 39 between the age of 20 and 30; 41 between the age of 30 and 40; 43 between the age of 40 and 50; 47 between the age of 50 and 60; 92 between the age of 60 and 70; 115 between the age of 70 and 80 and74 between the age of 80 and 90;13 between the age of 90 and 100. Since January 29, 1896, Mr. Hoch has attended 15 additional funerals, making the number of which he has a record of 653. Previous to the time when he commenced his record he attended many funerals, which are not counted in this report.
Submitted by Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:24 PST