Newspaper Clippings from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, September 17, 1893


James C. Berkley, of Cleveland, is visiting his sister in this city.

Dr. H.F. Schantz, 613 Walnut Street, has returned from the World's Fair.

Miss Alma Leo Mingle, who has been visiting friends at York, has returned home.

George Gehring, of Pottsville, who was in this city on a brief visit, has returned home.

J. Keim Stauffer, returned Tuesday from a four-weeks' trip to the World's Fair.

Harry Heckman and Frank Menges will leave on September 29 for a two-weeks' trip to Chicago.

William Copp, of this city, who was spending a week with friends in Philadelphia, has returned home.

George Pease, 317 North Ninth street, who has been confined to his house with malaria for the past month, is slowly recovering.

Miss Emma Bowers, 136 North Fifth street, returned from a visit to Philadelphia, Cape May, Atlantic City, Camden, J.J., and Newburg, N.Y.

City Clerk Fetter and Walter Clerk Hangen spent last Tuesday fishing along the Brandywine, and returned home in the evening with their baskets well-filled.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freehafer and son Carl, have returned from a week's visit to friends in Columbia and Lancaster. During their trip Mr. Freehafer spent considerable time fishing.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:24 PST

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