Newspaper Clippings from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Thursday, May 8, 1890

Rev. Amos A. Arthur Married.

Reading, May 7, -- Rev. Amos A. Arthur, of Pine Grove, Schuylkill county, a popular young minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was married to-day at Morgantown, this county, to Miss Laura Styer, the youngest daughter of Adam Styer, a wealthy farmer of the Conestoga Valley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John F. Crouch, of Philadelphia, ex-presiding elder. The goom is a son of Colonel John E. Arthur, of this city.

Adopting New Prison Regulations.

Reading, May 7. -- On account of the lax discipline in the Berks County Prison during the recent confinement of the conviced saloon-keepers, which resulted in the suspension of the warden, the Prison Inspectors to-day ordered all articles intended hereafter for prisoners to be handed to the warden and prohibited prisoners from smoking cigarettes or cigars except upon the advice of a physician.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:24 PST

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