Newspaper Clippings from the Philadelphia Inquirer, March 1, 1882

Scarlet Fever. Terrible Ravages in Boyertown Berks County

(Special Dispatch To The Inquirer)

Reading, PA, Feb. 28 – For the past month or more scarlet fever has been raging to a considerable extent in the lower end of this county, in and around Boyertown, a place of about two thousand inhabitants. The physicians have been endeavoring to conquer the disease, but have not yet as succeeded. The number of deaths in this small place since December is between sixty and seventy. Several families have lost three and some four children. Three and four funerals a day is a usual occurrence. The whole place has the appearance of being in mourning. The greatest number of deaths have been of children, but grown persons are also affected. No cause can be given for the prevailing fever. The town is an unusually clean place.

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:24 PST

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