Newspaper Clippings from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, January 3, 1897


Birdsboro. Jan. 2. The holiday entertainment given to the children of Birdsboro in the Auditorium last Wednesday evening was a successful affair.

The Friendship Fire Company had an enjoyable smoker on New Year's eve.

Misses Mollie A. Knabb and Susan Colt, who were the guest of Captain George W. Knabb and family, returned to their home in Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stanley, of Reading, visited their son Harry in South Birdsboro.

Mrs. John Reeser, of Main street, returned from a visit to relatives in Coatesville.

Walter Alderman, Charles Goheen, Luther Green, Calvin Smith and Charles Woodward, all of Philadelphia, spent the holidays in this borough with their parents.


Reading. Jan. 2. Misses Katie E. High and Clara P. Weston, school teachers of Hammonton, N.J., are the guests of the former's father, William High, No. 1045 Franklin Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Steininger and daughter, Lillian, No. 137 North Eighth street, returned from a visit to friends in Lehigh county.

Colonel David Campbell, No. 436 North Sixth street, managers [sic] of the Henry Clay furnaces, gave a dinner on Thursday, to celebrate his sixty-second birthday anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Zikler, of Cleveland, O., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hoffman, No. 43 South Ninth street.

Dr. M.E. Scheibner, Principal of the Boys' High School, spent the week in Philadelphia and New York.

Miss Rothermel, of Narberth, Pa., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sue E. Mishler, No. 422 Franklin street.

Miss Mary Mohr, of Kansas City, is visiting her aunt, Miss Sue Mohr, No. 516 Elm street.

Miss Florence Spangler, of Lebanon, is the guest of Miss Edith Uhler, No. 1145 North Ninth street.

Misses E. Elizabeth Saxton and Kate Corbit, of Wilmington, Del. Are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Freehafer, No. 1046 Chestnut street.

Miss Alice Grier, of Shamokin, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie Wilburn, No. 634 North Sixth street.

Miss Nellie Light, of Philadelphia, is visiting the family of Rev. J. Addison Kutz, No. 445 South Fifth street.

Miss Julia Darick, of Philadelphia, is the guest of the family of Officer McDonough, No. 749 Laurel street.


Kutztown, Jan. 2. Miss Maggie E. Fister left on Tuesday for Wilkesbarre to spend two weeks as the guest of Rev. and Mrs. H.J. Seneker.

Miss May E. Harr, of Bethlehem, was the guest of Miss Annie Kline.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Bieber are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. C. Houck, of Easton.

J. Fred Kramlich, of Philadelphia is the guest of Rev. B.E. Kramlich.

Miss Irene Hinterleiter, of Bridgeton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Hinterleiter.

Miss Annie Stein of Coopersburg, is being entertained by Mrs. William Stein.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:22 PST

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