Reading, Feb. 8. The marriage was announced to-day of Francis P. O'Reilly, of this city, to Madame C. Henrriette Colliat (nee Roudet) of Grenoble, France, which took place in the Notre Dames des Victories, Paris, on January 28. Mr. O'Reilly has been a resident of Paris for the past two years but visited Reading last spring on business connected with his father's estate.
Reading, Feb. 8. Through the parting of a train seven freight cars were wrecked on the East Pennsylvania Railroad, near this city, this morning, and travel was delayed several hours. Several of the cars were thrown down a high embankment. No one was injured.
Reading, Feb. 8. A. Featherman and M. Lewis, of this city, trading as G.P. Featherman & Co., wholesale dealers in notions, were arrested this morning, on the charge of secreting goods which had been levied upon by the Sheriff. It is said the goods were removed from the firm's store, on North Eight street, and stored in a building on Cedar street, where they were recovered by the Sheriff's officers.
Reading, Feb. 8. Judge Ermentrout rendered a decision to-day in favor of the city in the suit brought by the Metropolitan Electric Company to enforce the execution of a five-year contract made by Councils for lighting the streets of Reading.
The court held that the organization of Councils is an annuala one, and that to make a contract for a period of five years would be substantially to legislate for the foru succeeding Councils.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:22 PST