List of Newspapers Published in Berks County

(Editor's Note--When only one date is given for a publication below, that is the year it started. In each of these instances the year publication was suspended could not be determined. There are eight instances when the word "Present" is used to denote publication continues.)

1789-1802--Die Neue Unpartheyische Readinger Zeitung and Anzeigs Nachrichten
1796-1816--The Weekly Advertiser of Reading in the County of Berks (also known as the Weekly Advertiser of Reading in Berks)
1796-1797--The Impartial Reading Herald
1796-1913--Der Unpartheyische Reading Adler (also known as Reading Adler)
1806-1816--Der Standhafte Patriot und Berks Cauntier Advertiser in Reading (also known as Der Standhafte Patriot von Berks und Schuylkill Caunty in Reading)
1810-1822--Der Welt-Bote und Wahre Republikaner von Berks County (also known as Der Welt-Bote und Wahre Republikaner von Berks, Schuylkill and Libanon Caunties
1816-1912--The Berks and Schuylkill Journal
1816-1823--Der Readinger Postbote und Berks, Schuylkill and Montgomery Caunties Advertiser
1822-1836--Chronicle of the Times and Berks and Schuylkill Advertiser (also known as Chronicle of the Times and the Reading Chronicle)
1826-1826--The Jackson Democrat
1826-1833--Der Readinger Demokrat und Anti-Freymauer Herold (also known as Der Reading Gegen Frey-Maurer Democrat)
1827-1837--Der Berks County Adler
1830-1865--Democratic Press (also known as Berks Cuunty Press and Berks County Free Press)
1832-1832--People's Advocate and Berks County Advertiser
1833-1841--Kutzauner Neutralist
1836-1848--Jefferson Democrat
1839-1864--Der Liberale Beobachter
1840-1844--Alt Berks-Der Stern in Osten
1840-1878--Reading Gazette and General Advertiser (also known as Reading Daily Gazette and Reading Gazette and Democrat)
1841--The Reading Transcript (one issue)
1841-1898--Hamburger Schnell Post und Algemeiner Democratische Anzeiger
1841-1864--Der Geist Der Zeit of Kutztown
1845-1848--Die Sonne Von Alt Berks
1846-1847--The Evening Herald
1847-1848--Womelsdorf Gazette
1847-1850--The Morning Herald
1847-1847--The Reading Daily Gazette (published nine days)
1848-1848--The Industrious Flea
1850-1852--People's Advocate and Chronicle of the Times
1854-1856--Der Hirt (Kutztown)
1857-1858--The Reading Daily Gazette (published 10 months)
1856-1930--Boyertown Democrat
1858-1866--Der Wahre Democrat
1858-Present -- Reading Daily Times (also known as Daily Times and ReadIng Times and Dispatch)
1858-1859--Berks County Democrat
1860-1860--The Weekly Leader
1860-1861--Daily Leader
1863-1868--Hamburg Advertiser (also known as Hamburg Herald)
1864-1865--Reading Daily Republican
1864-1864--Reading Daily Reporter
1864-1865--Berks County Zeitung
1864-1864--Father Abraham
1865--Evening Record
1865-1909--Banner Von Berks
1862-1870--Evening Dispatch (Reading) (also known as Daily Evening Dispatch)
1867--Reformirte Hausfreund
1867-1913--Die Biene
1867--Der Pennsylvanier
1868-Present--Reading Eagle
1868-1913--Die Reading Post (first)
1868-1868--Morning Gazette (published nine months)
1868--Die Deutsche Eiche
1869-1899--Republikaner Von Berks
1869--Schuylkill Journal
1869-1871--The Evening Star (daily)
1870-1920--Kutztown Journal
1870-1881--Der Pilger
1871-1874--Hamburger Berichter
1872--National Educator
1872-1875--Rural Press of Hamburg
1872-1878--Daily Morning Sun (also known as Daily Sun)
1873-1876--Birdsboro Pioneer
1874-Present--American Patriot (also known as American Weekly Patriot and Kutztown Patriot)
1874--Reading Abend Press
1874-1877--American Weekly Tribune and Commercial Advertiser
1875--Reading Sunday News
1875-Present--Hamburg Item
1876-1877--Sunday Morning Review
1876-1881--The Spirit of Berks
1876--Reading Argus
1878-1926--Reading Weekly Eagle
1879-1880--Womelsdorf Herald
1880--Birdsboro Weekly Record
1880-1886--Reading Daily News (also known as Reading News)
1876-1881--Daily Spirit of Berks
1881-1914--Reading Weekly News
1881-1896--Reading Weekly Herald
1881-1919--Reading Morning Herald
1881--Reading Sunday Graphic
1881-1885--Reading Guide
1882-1885--Womelsdorf News
1885-Present--Birdsboro Dispatch
1886-1893--Reading Press
1887-1919--The Reading Telegram (also known as The Reading Evening Telegram)
1887-1890--The Kempton Press
1889--The Reading Ledger
1890--The Evening World
1890-1891--Pennsylvania Telegram
1892-1894--The Ingleside
1892--The Globe
1893-1906--Birdsboro Review
1894-1899--The Daily Review
1894-1897--The Reading Democrat
1895-1897--Reading Daily News and Reporter
1901-1956--Labor Advocate
1914-1922--News Times
1916-1967--Gazeta Readingska
1919-1922--L' Aurora
1919-1920--Pennsylvania Socialist
1924-1932--Polak Amerikanin
1924-1932--Public Service
1924-1932--Lebanon Valley Post
1926-1928--Tygodnik Polski
1928-Present--Boyertown Time's
1928-1930--Kutztown Public Service
1930-1931--Lebanon Valley Tribune
1936-1942--Nut Shell
1942-Present--New Era

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:14 PST

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