Reading, Penn., Oct. 10 – Washington Sands, of East Robeson, Berks County, was the most surprised farmer in this section of Pennsylvania yesterday morning. Mr. Sands has been in ill health for sometime, and in consequence his farm work has not been attended to as it should have been. His corn, in an immense field, being over ripe, required speedy shocking, but farm labor is scarce in this section, and this work was neglected.
All day Friday Mr. Sands worked as hard as his poor health permitted, and quit very tired that night. After the moon had risen about thirty neighbors gathered in his corn field and industriously worked until after midnight, when the corn was all in shocks. Yesterday morning, when Mr. Shocks went to the field he was astonished to find his task completed.
Submitted by Brenda.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:20 PST