READING, Penn., April 23 – The two contiguous counties of Berks and Lehigh boast two fat-boy prodigies in the persons of George Rohrback and Owen R. Schell. Master Rohrback lives with his parents in Reading. He is only seven years old and weighs 135 pounds. His waist measurement is 43 inches and his chest measures 40 inches. His parents are both somewhat over medium weight, but all his brothers and sisters are of the ordinary size for the ages.
Young Schell lives near Rittersville, in Lehigh County, and is eleven years of age. He weighs 178 pounds and is 5 feet and 6 inches in height, measuring 46 inches across the breast and 41 inches around the hips. His hands measure 11 inches over the knuckles. Both boys are of Pennsylvania Dutch.
Submitted by Brenda.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:20 PST